𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 10

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The Next Day, At School

Heeseung POV

As class was going on, I saw Jake not as focused as before in class. I can definitely tell that he can't stop thinking about Giselle because he isn't focusing in class.

"He isn't focusing in class right now. He's still in pain. I hope we're able to help him," I said in my thoughts.

I heard Ni-ki whisper next to me, "He doesn't seem to be fine at all."

"Yeah. He can't focus because of what happened yesterday," I whispered to him.

"I feel so sorry for him. I really hope he gets better," he whispered.

"Let's focus in class. We'll talk to him later," I whispered to him.

He nodded after I told him and we went back to focusing in class.

Time Skip, Lunch Time

We were chatting while having our lunch but we also noticed that Jake isn't in the cafeteria. He usually comes to the cafeteria but this time, that's not the case.

"Do you all think Jake is running late to the cafeteria?" I asked my friends.

"I don't know. He usually goes to the cafeteria almost right away. He's only 2 minutes late when he needs to go to the restroom," said Sunoo.

"Yeah. It's been 10 minutes and he still never came," Sunghoon mentioned.

"Maybe he went somewhere else," Ni-ki assumed.

"I'm a little worried for him though. We promised Y/N that we'd give him some comfort as well," Jay mentioned.

"How was he in your class Heeseung?" Asked Jungwon.

"He couldn't focus," I told him.

"I figured. This really affected him so much," Jungwon felt bad.

"I think we should look for him and try to talk to him," Sunghoon suggested.

"Yeah. Let's go," Jay agreed.

We all left the cafeteria to find Jake. We looked for him all around the school but there wasn't any sign of him. The last place we needed to go is the rooftop. So we all headed to the rooftop to see if Jake is there. After looking everywhere around the rooftop, we finally found him. We saw him sitting down with his back against a wall. He looked really upset so I decided to approach him right away, Then I sat down in front of him to face him and I heard my friends' footsteps approaching to us.

I started by saying, "Hey Jake. How are you doing?"

I got no response from him. He glared at me for a bit and then looked back down. He is definitely mourning still.

"I know you don't want to talk to us and I'm fine with that. But I know what you're going through. I heard everything from Y/N," I told him.

I saw tears forming in his eyes and I could tell he was really trying to hold them back.

"You know, Giselle is also a friend of ours. She was a person that we also valued. She has a very beautiful personality. She is a person we all loved the most. So knowing what happened to her also breaks our hearts. But I know you're going through more pain than us because I know you always valued her and your friendship with her from the beginning. So we're here to give you our comfort Jake," I said to him while smiling.

Jake slowly looked at me but he still didn't say a word. I held his left shoulder to comfort him and he actually didn't reject my hand this time. But he just glanced at my hand.

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now