𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 6

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Jake POV

I arrived home from school.

"Welcome home Jake!" I heard Raina greet me and I responded with a slight nod.

I quickly ran upstairs to put my stuff in my room and headed to Y/N's room. I knocked on her door once I reached her room.


I'm just chilling on my bed until I heard a knock on my door. So I turn my head slightly to the left since the door of my room is on my left side.

"Who is it?" I asked almost shouting so they could hear me through the door.

"It's Jake. He knocked on your door," I heard Sonia say.

"Let him in," I replied.

I heard the door open & close and footsteps come towards me.

"Hey Jake. What's up?" I asked since he's the one that came in my room.

"Tell me why I should trust you," he said in a very cold tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling slightly confused.

"Why should you gain my trust?" He asked with a cold tone still.

"You don't have to trust me. I'm not the person who forces someone to trust me. If you really can't trust me, then don't force yourself," I told Jake. "Why do you ask?"

"It's because I spoke with Giselle. You two seemed to know each other while I was still with Australia," Jake told me.

"And what did she tell you?" I asked.

"She told me that she wants me to trust you and to know you since you're my family," Jake answered.

"Did she really tell you that?" I scoffed because I know even with Giselle convincing Jake, he will not trust me.

"Jake. I know I won't ever gain your trust even with someone you trust the most telling you to. I know you really hate blind people and I can't change that. So I can't gain your trust and probably will never," I said but I sounded like I'm pushing him away. "If you have nothing else to say, then please leave. I want to be alone."

I heard footsteps and the door opening and closing and that means Jake left as soon I told him to leave. What have I done? Why did I tell him to leave like this? I felt like I pushed him away. What is wrong with you Y/N??? You're supposed to help Jake change, not push him away. I shook my body in frustration because of what I've done. I decided to let Jake be for now and talk to him tonight, hoping that he'll give me another chance.

Jake POV

I left Y/N's room and went to my room. I laid on my bed thinking what Y/N said to me. She said that I don't have to trust her if I can't. I really don't know what's wrong with me. I don't like being around blind people because they don't make me feel comfortable and they can't guide themselves properly when they go out which is the most annoying thing. I still remember the time Y/N tripped me with her walking stick and I was lucky enough to not get badly hurt. But that was something she did that pissed me off and I didn't care if she didn't mean to do it. And the fact that my parents adopted her made my blood boil because I didn't want someone like her to be a part of this family. My parents give Y/N the most attention and don't think about me. What they do to me is punish me and start arguments for no reason while they treat Y/N like she deserves everything in life. I feel like a useless son to them. I've felt like this even before Y/N got adopted by my parents. I can't call the police for child abuse because I'm already 19. I could've done that when I was younger but I was too scared to do it. So now I just have to keep facing my parents' punishments towards me. As for Y/N, I really can't trust her but I have to for the sake of Giselle. Giselle is a person I trust the most and I value our friendship. I'll just rest for a while and I'll talk to Y/N tonight.

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now