𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 12

345 8 0


Author POV

Everyone is sleeping since it's very late at light, but Y/N keeps tossing and turning around her bed. That's because she's having a nightmare and the nightmare she's having is the accident she got into with her original parents.

Nightmare Scene

The accident already happened but Y/N sees her own body with her parents inside the car unconscious because the police and ambulance have not arrived yet.

"Where am I? Why am I here?" She asked.

She looked at her surroundings to see what is going on.

"Is this... is this the... night when the accident happened? Why... am I here?" She asked not able to talk properly.

"Y-Y/N," a voice called her.

"Mom?" She called.

"Y-Y/N m-my... ch-child," her mom called with a weak voice.

Y/N saw her mom try to reach out for her but her mom is dying.

"M-Mom. No please... don't go. I-I'll save you. Just please... hang on," Y/N said while panicking.

Y/N tried to exit the car but the doors were locked. She tried to break the cracked glass of the window but the window didn't budge and it stayed cracked. She tried everything she can to exit the car and call for help but nothing worked.

"Y/N..." her mom called again in a dying tone.

Y/N stared at her mother who is still trying to reach for her. Y/N tried to hold her reaching hand but couldn't touch it since she's only a spirit. Everything around her started spinning.

"What is going on?? Mom!! Can you hear me??" Y/N panicked. "Oww my head!!"

Y/N held her head in pain.

Y/N heard her mom call her for the last time and her last word were, "Y/N... live for me... my dear."

"No no no please mom!!!" Y/N cried.

Her reaching hand fell down and she died. Everything around Y/N started spinning a lot faster. She held her head and whine in pain.

End of Nightmare Scene

Y/N woke up terrified and started crying out of fear.

Jake POV

I heard a noise coming from Y/N's room as I was trying to sleep. I woke up and headed to her room to check on her. I put my ear on her door and heard her crying. What happened to her? Why is she crying in the middle of the night? I immediately opened the door and saw her sitting up on her bed. She looks scared. I wonder what happened that terrified her. I ran to her and tried to calm her down.

"Y/N," I called.

As I tried to comfort her, she suddenly pushed me away and started panicking.

"Ahh! No please! Don't hurt me! Mom where are you!" She screamed.

She said, "Mom where are you." Is she talking about my mom or her original mom? Just looking at the fear coming from her, she's probably talking about her original mom. She must've had a nightmare which is why she keeps on panicking.

"Y/N calm down. It's me, Jake. You just had a nightmare," I told her but she didn't listen because she keeps panicking.

"Mom! Don't go please! I'll save you!" She sobbed.

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now