𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 9

377 8 1

1 hour later

Sonia POV

Once I heard Y/N and Jake's parents arrive, I immediately went downstairs because earlier I got a text from their mom telling me to meet them downstairs once she and her husband came home. Me, Raina, Logan, and the parents were all gathered together downstairs in the kitchen because it seems that there's something they need to talk to us about. It also seems to be an important matter which is why all of us are gathered together.

"All of us are here right?" Asked Y/N and Jake's mom.

"Yeah we're all here," I immediately replied.

We all started talking once we knew that everyone is gathered.

Jake POV

I decided to go downstairs to get a glass of water for myself. But as I was walking down the stairs, I heard voices. I stopped walking and took a peek at who is talking. I saw my parents and all three maids all talking together. I decided to stay by the stairs to hear what they're talking about.

Sonia POV

"How long will we keep this from them?" I asked. "It's been a year and they still know nothing about this."

"Yeah. It doesn't feel right with me anymore. I definitely think they deserve to know," said Raina.

"We kept this to ourselves for so long," Logan felt worried. "Are you going to at least tell them one day?"

"You see, I don't know how I will face them if I actually tell them," their mom felt worried and scared. "It's all my fault for even telling you guys to keep Giselle's death hidden for this long and I'm so sorry for that."

"It's really going to affect Jake and Y/N if we tell them, especially Jake because he really values his friendship with her," said their dad.

Jake and Y/N's mom starts crying out of guilt and their dad comforts her.

"We're just going to have to face their reactions when we tell them. We can't do anything after this because I know they'll react negatively about this," said Raina feeling pretty scared.

"I bet Jake really misses Giselle because he hasn't seen her in school for a whole year," Logan felt even more worried.

"I really can't believe that bus accident killed her. She's unlucky to be one of the victims killed instead of injured." I said in disbelief.

We were all feeling very worried because I know Jake and Y/N's mom would definitely not be ready to tell them the actual truth about Giselle. I saw her continue crying and her husband comforting her.

"Calm down honey," Jake and Y/N's dad continued to comfort her. "We're just going to have to calmly tell them the truth about Giselle now because we can't just let this stay hidden anymore."

"Yeah. I'm sorry" she sobbed though she was trying to calm down. "I just feel guilty for telling you all to keep her passing to yourselves. I thought that would be better but I guess I was wrong. But give me some time to calm down because I'm not ready yet."

We all stayed and waited for her to calm down and stop crying.

Jake POV

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now