To Adia, Love mom

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Aida wiped off her tears with the back of her hand in which she was holding Adia's book still leaving her face a little wet. She stood up from the swing still holding Adia's hand.

"Come" Aida said giving a welcoming smile. Adia didn't know where she was taking her but she didn't ask her though because she trusts her and wherever she was taking her is going to open a new chapter, different from each other and she couldn't deny the fact that Aida was bringing more light to the truth that is hidden in her darkness.

Aida started walking through the side of the castle which leads to the backyard while keeping Adia's book inside the pocket of one of the wool coat. She again took Adia's hand in her's as if she would be lost if she left her hand and led the way.

The presence of Aida's hand on Adia was gone and she understood that they have reached where Aida was taking her. She looked for her and found her staring at the sky where the trees stood with pride and the snow decorated them while the sunlight is peeking through them to reach the ground covered with snow.

"Wow" Adia wispered, her voice almost inaudible out of the excitement. It was for the first time she was seeing snow. As a person who has only experienced fog she couldn't be more awestruck how magnificent it is. The way the snow was holding on the leaves of the pine trees was pretty for her. She was experiencing the things she didn't on Earth. The things which would be more meaningful if she experienced it and still be on earth: the dreaming world.

Adia jumped into the snow and tapped on the ground like a kid.

Aida threw the grey wool coat to Adia. "Now it make sense" Adia said nodding while wearing the wool coat.

Suddenly, Adia was hit by a snow ball on the back of her head which made her flinch and fall on her back, it was easy to get her shocked. She turned her head and saw Aida laughing so hard holding her stomach while pointing at Adia. "You are dead" Adia threatened her and started making a giant snow ball on her knee as Aida started running for her life; probably doesn't want to wake up in another world.

Adia ran after her. It was hard to catch up as she had got a little far by the time Adia was making the giant snow ball. Adia stopped and made a shot as it was becoming difficult to run while holding a giant snow ball with both hands. BANG! She missed it. The snow ball hit on a pine tree. Aida laughed at her aimless shot which made Adia even more furious. "I am gonna get you" Adia shouted and ran for her with a small snow ball carefull not to make a big one and waste her time.

They spent a considerate amount of time throwing snow balls and laughing at each other as Aida kept her distance from Adia who was threatening her with words.

Finally, Adia took a snow ball and hit it right on Aida's face as it took a minute for Aida to become steady which gave time for Adia to get her.

Adia backhugged her tightly Hoping to get her down and sit on her back and tickle her but things didn't happen as she planned as they both were unaware that they were on a slopy side which extends down approximately a 15 feet. The hug was unexpected which made Aida stumble and fall on the ground with Adia. They both rolled around through the steep.

They finally reached to the bottom as they both released each other and layed on their back breathing heavily.

They both looked at each other and laughed hysterically. Everytime they looked at each other their laugh would echo in the mountain.

Adia threw a handfull of snow while laying. Aida licked the snow from her face. "Its tasteless" Aida said and shaked of the snow on her face like a puppy which made Adia chuckle.

They were making snow angels when Aida suddenly started searching for something on herself.
"What are you searching for?" Adia stopped making the snow angels.
"Oh thank god, it's here" Aida said relieved leaving a heavy sigh.
"What here?" Adia questioned her.
"See it yourself" Aida replied and gave a compact disc to Adia.
"Why do you have a CD in your pocket?" Adia teased her.
"That's something what i need to ask you" Aida stated and turned the CD to show the other side of it to Adia.
"To Adia, Love mom" Adia read what's written on the CD.

"I got it from your book"
Adia glared at her.
"C'mon if you get that your definitely not going to show me" Aida explained acting innocent while Adia kept silent.
"It was in a paper cover" Aida continued, "It was kept between a page where there was written '6 years before' and also 7 june 2019 is also written on the bottom of the page" Aida took Adia's book and showed it to her.
"How come i have not seen this" Adia said in dissapointment.
Aida turned the pages and said "Maybe because it was written on a page that you left and not in a page that you are about to write" Aida suggested and flipped the pages infront of Adia who was surveying the CD with a sad face.

"Okay, now get up" Aida tapped on her shoulder.
"For what" Adia asked, tired.
"Well, are you gonna stare at that thing and see what's in it" Adia mocked her.
"How can we get a device to watch this HERE!" Adia stressed the last word.
"That's what we are going to do!" Aida said loudly while Adia still sat there with a poker face making Aida sigh.
"Do you want to know what is in it?" Adia asked.
"Yes" she replied.
"Me too, so come".


On to the way to the place which Adia has no idea about, they were walking through the dense trees on the snow mountain and Aida asked, curious to hear the answer from her "So why 7 june?".
"A mess was born" Adia replied.
"Oh" Aida exclaimed.

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