Team Rocket Head-Ass

137 4 5

The low-key antagonist group chat


Jerome: Tolkien Black

Monty: Lowkey Drug Dealer

Buggs: Stereotypical 90s Bully

Cindy: Regina George Knockoff

Felix: The Blue Twin

[The Smart Kids +Cindy and Buggs]

Lowkey Drug Dealer: Jerome, try that shit again and I'm taking a finger.

Tolkien Black: Threaten me again and I'll fuck ur mom :)

Regina George Knockoff: WOAH

The Blue Twin: Well that escalated 

Stereotypical 90s Bully: Tf did he do?

Tolkien Black: :)

Lowkey Drug Dealer: That's none of your damn concern

The Blue Twin: I mean you said it in the group chat so it kinda is

Tolkien Black: Listen 5'9, I don't understand why ur so peeved

Tolkien Black: I did nothing wrong :)

Tolkien Black: ...yet

Lowkey Drug Dealer: 1. call me 5'9 again and I'm telling Diana you like her.

Tolkien Black: DUDE

Stereotypical 90s Bully: You bastard.

Lowkey Drug Dealer: And 2. you almost leaked my baby pictures to the WHOLE FRIEND GROUP

The Blue Twin: I'm surprised Diana doesn't already know

The Blue Twin: You make it really obvious

Regina George Knockoff: Yeah I'm pretty sure she already knows Jay...

Regina George Knockoff: Wait what about baby Monty?!

Lowkey Drug Dealer: NOTHING

Tolkien Black: Yeah so when I went over to his house we got bored and started looking through his moms old stuff

The Blue Twin: That's totally not weird

Tolkien Black: ANY WAY I found an old album and it was just some old pictures of Monty 🥺

Stereotypical 90s Bully: HA

Regina George Knockoff: AWWWW

The Blue Twin: Awww, you have loving parents

The Blue Twin: Couldn't be me.

Regina George Knockoff: Damn...

Stereotypical 90s Bully: That got dark fast


[The Smart Kids +Cindy and Buggs]

Regina George Knockoff: SHIT SHIT SHIT

Regina George Knockoff: OMFG KILL ME NOW

Stereotypical 90s Bully: You good?

Regina George Knockoff: Do I sound like I'm good?!?!

Stereotypical 90s Bully: ...

Stereotypical 90s Bully: No...?

Regina George Knockoff: THEN THERES UR ANSWER

The Blue Twin: What happened?

Regina George Knockoff: I may have said the wrong thing and now Lily is mad at me :(

Lowkey Drug Dealer: When is she not mad at you?

Regina George Knockoff: Fuck off.

Regina George Knockoff: We've been getting along lately and we seemed to be somewhat friends!

The Blue Twin: Oh god, I'll talk to her

Regina George Knockoff: Thank you!!!

Tolkien Black: Damn didn't think it was possible for you to say those words

Stereotypical 90s Bully: Soo what did you say?

Regina George Knockoff: ...I don't wanna tell you

Regina George Knockoff: You guys will be mad 😭

Lowkey Drug Dealer: I find that hard to believe

Tolkien Black: Nahhhh we won't be mad!

Tolkien Black: As long as it wasn't racist

Regina George Knockoff: ...

Tolkien Black: Oh my god it was racist

Tolkien Black: HOW?!?!

Tolkien Black: Shes white?!?!

Lowkey Drug Dealer: ...and Russian tho

Stereotypical 90s Bully: Wow.

Regina George Knockoff: 😭

Stereotypical 90s Bully: Not mad. Just disappointed...

Regina George Knockoff: IT WAS A JOKE

Lowkey Drug Dealer: That's what they all say...

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