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Before you worry, the next chapter will probably be out within the week. BUT since school has started I cannot work on them throughout the day so updates will be a little spacey.

Im sorry! But if you do want to see more of my "lovely" personality I do have a TikTok I post kinda regularly on.

(Shameless plug I know lol)

Anyway here it is: https://www.tiktok.com/@imagirliswear

You are not in anyway obligated to follow me if you don't want to but my TikToks give a little look into what's going on in my life and when I can update my stories.

Also I have Pinterest boards for all of the characters and their families so it would be nice if you checked them out!


[If you actually read this far I can let you in on a secret... I'm currently making a prequel book that has less texting and will (hopefully!) be released between the 15th and 20th chapter of this book. I already finished the first few chapters!]

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