Trouble In Paradise pt1

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Actual story starts now :)
I'm sorry in advance.

Lily💕: Where are you?

Fe 💙: Out.

Lily💕: Where?

Fe 💙: I thought you didn't want to speak to me rn

Lily💕: I still want to know where you are

Lily💕: Is that a problem?

Felix frowned down at his phone. Usually seeing Lily phone contact on his screen made him smile and text back immediately, but lately They've been fighting a lot. Not over anything particularly important, it seemed anything could set them off. This fight started when Felix "forgot" to text Lily after their date (If you could even call it that, they went to the movies together and sat in silence on the drive too and from) and Lily felt like Felix was ignoring her because of their last fight. (which was over something neither of them could remember)

They both felt like they were constantly walking on eggshells around each other and were physically and mentally draining together.

"Uh Fe, you good?"

He snapped back into reality and turned his attention to the voice beside him with a hand on his arm

"Oh uh yeah, I'm fine just texting Lily." He felt a frown on his face while saying her name. "Thanks, Cindy."

The blonde smiled sweetly at him and turned away, not taking her hand off his fore arm. 

He didn't take her hand off either.

"Oh come on!"

"Don't throw a temper tantrum just because you're bad."

"Shut up Buggs, or I will throw this controller at you,"

"You break it, you pay for it."

Felix watched as his friends senselessly argue with each other and smiled. He felt at peace for once. Cindy joined in on ripping on Jerome

To anyone else, seeing Cindy acting sweetly without ulterior motives would be a worrying thing. But to her closest friends, this is how she usually acted (granted it took a while to get used to). Felix and Cindy started to get close during middle school. For a short while it seemed like the two had a thing for each other.

That was before Lily came along and they started dating.

Lily💕: Can you please just respond.

Tears weld up in her eyes as she watched Felix read her text and chose not respond. Lily sat alone on her bed silently weeping to herself while her friends and brother hang out in our living. She would go down there but she told Billy and her parents she was going to be hanging out with Felix.

And it looks like that's not happening anytime soon.

Lily opened her camera roll and swiped through her pictures. There were as many pictures of her and Felix, and the ones she did find she scrolled by faster then she expected. In those picture she had the same fake smile, and it looked like Felix had the same one. She stopped on a group photo from the first day of school a couple months ago. In the picture Nugget, Billy, and Carla were doing a stupid pose while Lily, Ted, and Penny were laughing at their antics and Adrian just looked tried of their nonsense but still entertained.

She didn't know why but seeing that picture, all of the tears she didn't know she was holding in came out.

A small knock was heard on the other side of door. At first she thought it might've been one if her parents wondering why she was still home and not with her wonderful boyfriend.

"Is Lily ok?"

What was he doing up here?

Lily quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and headed to her door. Before she opened it she checked herself in the mirror to make sure she didn't look like she had just been crying.

"Oh uh hey, Nugget!" Lily put on a small smile, the same smile she had in those few pictures with Felix.

Nugget looked as is he was about to say something but stopped once he properly inspected her face.

"Was Lily-" he stopped himself. "We're you crying?"

Lily heard the serious tone in his voice and knew there was no use lying to him about it. She quietly sighed and moved out of the way to let him inside her room.

They both sat down on the bed next to each other, Lily not looking at him and Nugget staring at her with a concerned look in his eyes.

"What happened-"

Lily wrapped her arms around the taller teens torso and buried her head in his chest and cried. Without hesitation Nugget hugged her back, putting his head on the top of her head.

After while Lily looked up at him with watery eyes and let out a small "Thank you."

"No problem."

Fe 💙: We needs to talk.

Lily 💕: We need to talk.

*cocks gun* I hope you bullet proof fore' dis bout to hurt

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