Trouble In Paradise pt2

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May be slightly OOC for Felix but I don't think that matters.

Felix knew this was coming, but why did it still hurt?

The weekend after their failed 'Date Night' on Friday they barely spoke to each other, besides the usual dry ''Good Morning' text, they pretended the other didn't exist. The relationship was coming to an end and they both knew it.

Lily was spending even less time with her family and friends. She was staying in her room the majority of the time, only coming out to get food and walk the dog. She was depressed and was dreading the day she went back to school and has to face Felix.

Felix, just like Lily, was feeling depressed and staying in his room the majority of the weekend. Not because he didn't want to see her, but because he was impatient. He just wanted to get this over with no matter how much it might hurt.

He just wanted her to be happy, even if that was without him.

Lily: Can you meet me after school?

Lily: Please.

Fe: Ok.

Lily was terrified to say the least. She knew what was coming, hell their whole friend group did, but that didn't stop unsettling feeling in her body.

The whole day she'd been avoiding Felix, and his friends, and their friends, and pretty much everyone. She didn't want the people she cared about to see her like this, she was barely able to get herself ready for school without having a panic attack. She just threw on a tank top, sweat pants, and an oversized zip-up hoodie that she thinks once belonged to Nugget (she doesn't even really remember how she got it). Lily doesn't know why but it gave her a weird sense of comfort.

Her first period was home room in the advanced class, or the smart class if you were Billy. Felix was in this class, they sat next to each other, but fortunately he didn't show up. Lily took her seat and not long after Carla sat down next to her. The taller girl had a concerned look on her face

"Hey, you doing ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just tried. I didn't get much sleep this weekend." she let out a dry chuckle, still looking down at her notebook.

"Aw, why what's wrong?" Carla put her hand on Lily's own with concern.

She debated telling Carls about her and Felix's relationship, but the breakup would soon be official and the whole friend group would know so there was no reason to not tell her now.

She paused, letting out a sigh, "Me and Felix are breaking up." tears welled in her eyes.

"Oh shit," Carla was surprised. "Wait, why though? I thought you two were soulmates?" From the outside, it seemed Felix and Lily had the perfect relationship.

Lily stayed quiet, for a moment to long it seems. "Oh my god! Did he cheat on you!? I swear I'll fucking kill-"

"No No! It's not that!" she paused for a second. "I honestly don't know why. Around last month we started fighting more and ignoring each other." she finally let the tears fall as she buried her head against Carla's chest.

The taller girl wrapped her arms around her silently and gave her a quick peck on the forehead. Lily looked up at her with tears in her eyes and a sad smile and whispered a small "Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

The girls stayed like that for a while and before class started Lily asked,

"You can NOT tell anyone about Felix and I."

Carla chuckled. "Of course not."

"Not even Monty." she said sternly.

"Why the fuck would I tell him of all people!? He terrible with emotions."

"Fe, you doing ok bud?"

Jerome knocked on the stall, that was slightly bigger then the rest, at the end of the bathroom.

"Oh yeah, I'm doing just fine!" Felix yelled out from the other side. "Why do you ask?" The duo couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Ok let's see, you weren't in home room, Ted said you've been depressed all day, oh and also you're in the fucking handicap stall crying!" Monty yelled back at him. "What's wrong dude?"

Felix quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and took a deep breath before opening the door.

"See, told you that would work."

"How'd you guys know I'd be here?"

Jerome put his hand on Felix's shoulder and gave him a small, but concerned, smile. "Well for starters, this is my crying spot," he let out a dry chuckle. "Your brother also said you'd be here."

The blonde wiped his eyes once more, refusing to even look at his two best friends.

After enough awkward silence Jerome spoke again, "But seriously dude, what's wrong?"

"I think Lily's gonna break up with me." he answered, still looking at the floor.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Fe." Monty responded kinda awkwardly, looking at Jerome for comfort "May I ask why?"

Felix sighed again, expecting for more tears to form behind his eyes, but nothing happened. He was just numb at this point.

"We've just been drifting apart the last couple of weeks." He finally looked up at them, they could see the redness in his eyes from all the crying.

He sat down on the floor near the stall, something he'd never do if he was in the right frame of mind, and put his knees underneath his chin and continued "I just don't know what I've been doing wrong?"

The two left standing soon sit down next to him in support. Jerome slung his arm around Felix while Monty put his head on the blondes shoulder and Felix laid his head on his.

After a while Jerome started again, "Maybe you two just aren't right for each other," he paused to look at him. "But soon you'll find someone who is, don't worry about it Fe."

Felix smiled at them. "Thanks guys."

"You're welcome!"

"No problem."

"...mostly Jerome though."

"Fuck you."



Ok I know I should probably put the breakup in this chapter BUT it's currently 2am and this chapter is 1,000 words already and I start my new job tomorrow (or today ig) and I need sleep sooooo BYE 😘

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