Do you wanna be the Final Girl [Klo's Bday Present]

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You are LUCKY I love you, this fic is damn near 10,000 words long (personal record if I do say so myself)


The tall blonde girl walks into the reasonably-sized library in her home on the way to her mother's office on the other side of the room. She pauses mid-stride in front of a side table knee-length of her and on the left of the low couch. Placed delicately on the small table stood a picture of the family of five bundled up in their winter gear in front of a large, old wooden cabin.

The older two children smiled brightly, the spacing of the teeth much too wide and in desperate need of braces. The youngest kid sat in his wheelchair, his mouth covered by a thick scarf causing the glasses that sat high on his face to fog up from the heat rising from his open mouth. The two mothers of the family seem to have forgotten that they were even posing for a photo, stuck in a loving and lively conversation. The shorter one caught in a mid-belly laugh at something her curly-haired wife had said that was long forgotten now.

The blonde picks up the framed photo from what seemed like decades ago, even though only six or seven years had passed. Her eyes light up with a new idea. She drops the wood frame onto the table, it makes a loud crash that echoes into the teenage girl causing her to flinch and swiftly backtrack to pick up the frame and set it back to its original position before rushing to her mother's office, now with a purpose.

"Mom!" she nearly swings the door back into the bookshelves in excitement before stopping right before when she feels her mother's glare. "Sorry," she mutters with a nervous chuckle.

"Yes, Penny." the older ginger woman's eyes softened at the apology, being self-aware enough to know that if it had been one of her sons she would be screaming her head off at the moment.

"Would it be possible for my friends and I to visit the cabin this weekend?" Penny asks sincerely. "We're trying to figure out what to do for Halloween and I think I got it!" she beams down at her mother. Despite the age difference, the older woman was much shorter than all her children.

"I'd have to consult your mother on that," her German accent thick with every word she says. 'Who are you thinking of inviting?" She stands from her desk and removes her glasses to place them on the antique surface.

"Well, obviously Carla," the older woman smiles to herself at the thought of her son's girlfriend and daughter's best friend. "And Lily and Billy," the girl looks up in thought at her friend group. "And if I invite the twins, I have to bring Nugget and Adrian." she counts on her fingers. "I'll see if Theo wants to go." Penny blushes. Lost in thought at the thought of her crush and friend, her mother grounds her with a loud snap.

Penny looks down at her with wide eyes and a tight smile. "Huh?" she questions.

"I'll ask your mother about it but the cabin will need cleaning." the woman scratches her chin, her brain overflowing with thoughts of the precautions she will need to prepare.

The teen jumps up in excitement several times before the thin floors of the old house cause her to hear the loud groan coming from her older brother below. She stops but only to rush over to hold one of her mothers in her arms and squeal 'Thank You's' into the top of her head. Ending the childish display of joy with a sloppy kiss planted on the older woman's forehead.

The curly-haired girl sprayed a section of her hair with a spray bottle filled with a mixture of water, conditioner, and coconut oil as she laughed at the scene unfolding on her phone screen as she facetimes her boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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