love is dead.

77 3 6

Me: Gives Monty traits I have

My friends: Wow he's autistic coded!

Me: 🧍🏾‍♀️

The Smart Kids +Cindy and Buggs

Tolkien Black: Felix

Tolkien Black: I know ur awake

Tolkien Black: Come on you can stop being depressed now and go out with us

Lowkey Drug Dealer: Felix come on it's been a whole week

Regina George Knockoff: We miss you!

Stereotypical 90s Bully: I wouldn't go that far

Stereotypical 90s Bully: But he does have money and when we go out I don't have to pay sooo

Stereotypical 90s Bully: Come on bro!

Stereotypical 90s Bully: Peer pressure!!

Tolkien Black: ...

Regina George Knockoff: ...

Stereotypical 90s Bully: ...

Regina George Knockoff: ...

Lowkey Drug Dealer: ...

Lowkey Drug Dealer: God damnit I think he took turned his phone off again.

Felix stared intently at his ceiling. He heard his phone repeatedly ding on the table next to him, it was weird having a group of friends that actually care about his well-being. A few months ago the only person that could stand to be in a room with him was Ted and even that was a stretch at times.

The blonde didn't know how much time had passed until his phone stopped ringing with notifications, but eventually it did. It was finally silent. Felix let out a long sigh and closed his eyes.

He had never felt heartbreak like this before and all he could think about while dozing off to sleep was where he went wrong.

His bedroom door swinging open abruptly woke him up from his dreamless sleep. He groggily sat up and looked toward the sound.

"Wake up Dip Shit, we're going out!"

Buggs kicked him in the side a little harder then intended.

"How the hell did you guys get in my house?" Felix groaned out while falling back onto his bed.

"Your bitch-ass brother let us in." Jerome said all too cheerful.

A small "Hey" was heard on the other side of the door.

"Shut the fuck up, Theodore!" both Felix and Monty yelled back at the younger twin.

"Anyway, how you holding up?" Cindy quickly changed the subject.

Felix sat up once more. "Oh you know, just great! My girlfriend broke up with me, I got fired from my internship, and my dads been focusing on Teddy more then me!" Felix turned towards Cindy with a phony smile. "Just. Great."

"Not to mention the girls are trying to set up Lily with Nugget." Jerome quickly jabbed Monty in stomach causing him to kneel over in pain.

"Dude! Shut the fuck up! Now is not the time!"

The group looked towards Felix with anticipation and worry.

Cindy was the first to speak out, "Um Fe, you ok-"

"How the fuck do you know that!?"

Monty, not sensing what the problem was said, "I mean like I don't know for sure but I do know something's going on. Carla kinda insinuated it, she's really bad at lying." he said with an innocent smile on his face.

Jerome, fed up with is his best friends clueless, jabbed him in the stomach again. "Monty, I love you, but if you don't shut the fuck up I will lock you in a cage."

"That's it," Felix flopped back down onto his bed and covered his eyes with his hands. "Love is dead. We broke up a week ago and now's she's fucking a Country Boy."

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