Headcanons And What-Not I

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Yeah, the next chapter isn't gonna be ready till about Monday sooo I'm gonna do this now!

Adrian (Protagonist)

- 5'11

- Bisexual

- Crush on Billy (Really bad at hiding it lol)


- Parents are Muslim but he's an Atheist

- Relationship with his parents is strained after trying to tell them about his kindergarten

- Capricorn (January 10th)

- Only child

- Should be in the smart classes but didn't want to be separated from Nugget and Billy


- Crush on Lily (Also really bad at hiding it)

- Middle Child of 7 kids

- Lives on a farm

- Sagittarius (December 6th)

- Introvert

- The tallest of the group (6'4)

- Pansexual

- Dates other people to try and get over Lily

- It's clearly not working

- Works at his families restaurant and farm

- Surprisingly good at cooking


- Loves painting and art

- In the smart class

- Cancer (July 17th)

- Introvert

- Born in the USA but their parents are Russian

- VERY rich

- Parents are happily married (Can't relate)

- Works with Diana at a flower shop

- Other than Billy, Carla is her best friend

- 5'1

- Real name is Lilianna but goes by Lily for short


- Chaotic Good

- Extrovert

- Gay

- Other than Lily, Nugget is his best friend

- 5'6

- Older than Lily by 5 minutes

- Cancer (July 17th)

- In the stupi-Regular class

- Wiliam is his real name but will try to kill you if you call him that

- Born in the USA but their parents are Russian

- He and Lily don't need to work but their parents make them

- Works at a fast-food restaurant

- Sneaks out food for Nugget


- Absolutely despises all of his moms' boyfriends

- Bisexual

- Extrovert

- 6'2

-Plays sports

- Taurus (April 30th)

- Visits his father's grave once a week

- Eventually forgave Lily and Adrian for his fathers' death

- Became friends with Monty for easy answers on tests but started to enjoy his company

- Became friends with Buggs because he wanted a "kinda-bodyguard" but then started to see him as a friend to

-Cindy just kind of tagged along with Buggs and they also became friends

-Felix and Jerome were partnered in an assignment and after that, they started to hang out more

- Can be smart sometimes

- Huge crush on Diana

-Learning sign language

- Has been called a crybaby lol


- Debatably the smartest in the group

- Scorpio (November 18th)

- Younger than most of the kids because he skipped a grade

- 5'9

- Horrible eyesight

- Mostly uses crutches but if he's gonna be in one place long he uses his wheelchair

- Introvert


- Has to be forced to sleep because he constantly pulls all-nighters

- He and Carla hated each other before being forced to fix Penny

- And then acted like they hated each other after fixing Penny

- Cannot watch movies/shows without interrupting with questions or comments

- His father has VERY high expectations of him

- Monty and Ozzy's mothers are married and there both not close to their fathers

- Lowkey bullies Ozzy


- Calls herself the prettiest girl in their friend group

- They all know its cap

- Gemini (May 14th)

- Extrovert

- 5'2

- Used to be friends with toxic people but then reconciled with the kids

- Nuggets cousin

- She and Nugget weren't that close when they were younger but now they're like best friends.

- Strangely, Cindy, and Penny really get along

- So do she and Maddison

- Real name is Cynthia


- Only child


- His mom is black and his dad is white

- His father was verbally and sometimes physicaly abusive to his mom and sometimes him

- "Mommy's Boy"

- Used to idolize his dad but as she grew up, realized he was a scumbag

- Asexual and Aromantic

- Sees Cindy as a little sister

- Introvert

- Aries (March 30th)

- Likes drawing and painting

- He bonds with Lily on that

You can tell who my favorites are but the amount of Headcanons I have for them lol

Ima do a part two don't worry

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