Maybe Love Isn't Dead

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Y'all I'm this close to naming Penny 'Gucci Smart Socks'

Girls group Chat

Lily: Tulip
Cindy: Walmart Heather Chandler
Penny: Samsung
Carla: PimpNameSlickBack
Madison: Area 51
Alice: Elphaba Thropp
Diana: Daisy

[BITCHES and HOES... don't exist]

Samsung: Hey, Lily

Samsung: You doing ok?

Tulip: What do you think.

Samsung: ...

Samsung: I'm gonna take that as a no...

Tulip: Good because it most certainly was.

Samsung: ...

Area 51: Damn, Lily...

Tulip: Sorry, Penny

Tulip: I'm just not in the right frame of mind rn, I didn't mean to be rude

Samsung: It's ok! I understand

Samsung: So how are you holding up?

Tulip: To be honest,

Tulip: I don't feel as bad as I thought I would

Tulip: And I feel really guilty about it,

PimpNameSlickBack: Shut the fuck up.

Tulip: ...

Tulip: Pardon?

PimpNameSlickBack: You heard me.

PimpNameSlickBack: Cállate, shut up.

Tulip: May I ask why

PimpNameSlickBack: Lily let's be honest with ourselves for a second

PimpNameSlickBack: anytime you were with Felix you would just complain about him

Tulip: I thought you said we were "soulmates"

PimpNameSlickBack: ...Yeah I just said that to make you feel better

Area 51: Sorry Lily but I gotta agree with Carla on this one

Area 51: You two together was toxic asf

Walmart Heather Chandler: Oh definitely.

Tulip: Ok this isn't instilling comfort in me!

PimpNameSlickBack: I'm instilling reality for you honey!

Samsung: Guy come on stop being mean to her!

Samsung: Lily needs our support not criticism.

Walmart Heather Chandler: ...

PimpNameSlickBack: ...

Area 51: ...

Elphaba Thropp: ...

Tulip: ...

Tulip: Well?!

Tulip: Apology please??

Walmart Heather Chandler: omg Lily I am soooo sorry /j

Tulip: 😑

Tulip: Was the /j really necessary

Walmart Heather Chandler: I just didn't want you to think I was serious ☺️

PimpNameSlickBack: Lily you know I'm only looking out for you

Tulip: Yeah well, it's not working

Samsung: Guys leave her alone she just got out of a relationship

Walmart Heather Chandler: Fiiine

PimpNameSlickBack: You know what, ur right I'm sorry Lily

Tulip: It's ok

Area 51: ...

Area 51: What do we talk about now lol

Samsung: Can you guys seriously not start a conversation without bullying

PimpNameSlickBack: No

Area 51: Nope

Daisy: No :)

Walmart Heather Chandler: Oh GOD no lol

Tulip: Apparently no -_-

Tulip: And wtf Diana!!

Daisy: Sorry lol

Tulip: I thought you would have my back as a fellow flower enthusiast >:(

Daisy: ...

Tulip: ...

Tulip: Shit I forgot

Walmart Heather Chandler: How tf do you forget

Tuip: Sorry D!

Daisy: You know calling me a 'flower enthusiast' is like me calling you a 'human enjoyer'

Daisy: Right

Tulip: ...


PimpNameSlickBack: ALICE you've been unusually quiet

Elphaba Thropp: What about that is "unusual" for me

Area 51: Fair enough.

Walmart Heather Chandler: I got it!

Walmart Heather Chandler: We need to get Lily a rebound!

PimpNameSlickBack: OMG YESS

Tulip: ...

Tulip: Guys I'm still in the group chat

[Area 51] has removed [Tulip] from [BITCHES AND HOES... don't exist]

Area 51: Problem solved!

Area 51: But who tho

PimpNameSlickBack: I don't trust anyone outside the friend group with my Lily sooo

PimpNameSlickBack: It's a pretty short list

Daisy: Not Jerome.

Elphaba Thropp: Not Ron.

PimpNameSlickBack: Not Adrian

PimpNameSlickBack: Huh

PimpNameSlickBack: This is actually a lot harder then I thought

Walmart Heather Chandler: OMFG

Walmart Heather Chandler: I AM A FUCKING GENIUS 

Walmart Heather Chandler: NUGGET.

PimpNameSlickBack: Oh yeah ur totally a genius

PimpNameSlickBack: Pick the guy that's had a crush on her since kindergarten

Walmart Heather Chandler: If it's so obvious why didn't any of you whores say it -_-

PimpNameSlickBack: Doesn't he have a girlfriend?

Samsung: Isn't he currently talking to that one girl in our geometry class?

Area 51: Yeah

Area 51: And??

Samsung: Wouldn't that be a problem

Area 51: Look, I'm sure Nugget will happily ghost this bitch when he realizes Lily interested

Samsung: I don't think this is a good idea...

PimpNameSlickBack: Oh definitely not :)

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