Marry, Fuck, Kill

114 4 6

TimeLoops: Ok, marry fuck, kill

TimeLoops: Paul Rudd, Selena Gomez, and Eliot Page?

Pyromaniac: Damn you came to play

Anti Felix, Felix Club President: Nugget thinks this is a fairly easy choice

Pyromaniac: Yeah that's cuz your type is green-eyed Russian twins

Anti Felix, Felix Club Vice President: And your type is crippled assholes

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: OHHH

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: ROASTED

Pyromaniac: Eh you have a point

That One Drug Dealer Friend: What the fuck!

Pyromaniac: You gotta admit he has a point

TimeLoops: Hey you didn't answer my question!

Pyromaniac: Thank you for reminding Adrian!

Pyromaniac: Ok so obviously you fuck Selena Gomez

TimeLoops: uh huh

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Amazing choice

Pyromaniac: And it would feel wrong to kill off Eliot Page but I'm not sure I wanna marry him

Anti Felix, Felix Club Vice President: What why not?!

Pyromaniac: Idk I just feel like we won't be compatible

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Yeah he seems a little to chill for your crazy ass

Pyromaniac: I- dammit your right

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: I always am

Annoying: False but continue I wanna see where this goes

Annoying: And who tf changed my name again!?

Rehabilitated: ...

That One Drug Dealer Friend: ...

Annoying: I fucking hate you both.

TimeLoops: Hey stop distracting Carla I NEED to know the answer

Pyromaniac: Damn what's up your ass

That One Drug Dealer Friend: Probably Billy

Pyromaniac: True.

Anti Felix, Felix Club Vice President: WTF

TimeLoops: I'm gonna chose to ignore that

Roach: Of course you chose to ignore that remark

TimeLoops: And that one as well -_-

TimeLoops: Anyway Carla PICK.

Pyromaniac: Ok geez!

Pyromaniac: Marry Eliot, Fuck Selena, and Kill Paul

Totally Not An Android: What why kill Paul Rudd!?

Gerbil: Yeah wtf that's AntMan!

Pyromaniac: Precisely why I'm killing him

Gerbil: That's fair ig

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Carla not to be rude but you have horrible taste in men

That One Drug Dealer Friend: I'm. Right. Here.

That One Drug Dealer Friend: Wtf Jerome.

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Tell me I'm wrong!!

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Back to my point, all your previous boyfriends and a few girlfriends,

Pyromaniac: Tf do you mean there's only been 3 1/2 I'm total

Annoying: I'm sorry a 1/2?

Pyromaniac: Yeah

Pyromaniac: Any questions?

Annoying: No ma'am

Anti Felix, Felix Club Vice President: Queen shit.

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: ANYWAYS.

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Carla, you know I, PLATONICALLY MONTY, love you but you pick the shittiest men

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Like bottom of the barrel trash

Pyromaniac: Yeah but that was in the past lol

Anti Felix, Felix Club Vice President: I wouldn't speak too soon

Anti Felix, Felix Club Vice President: Ur literally dating someone whos been bullying you since we were five

That One Drug Dealer Friend: Excuse me she was a the one bullying me most of the time

Pyromaniac: We both know that's a lie but I'll let you believe that mi amor :)

TimeLoops: Gross

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: Besides the whole bullying thing

Roach: Said no one ever

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: It took Monty like 10 years to finally ask out

That One Drug Dealer Friend: And how long did it take for you to ask out Diana? :)

PlantMom: Oop

YoYos Are Cool I Swear: And how long is it gonna take for your legs to heal after ur femurs got snapped a 80 year old meth head? :)

TimeLoops: DAMN.

Anti Felix, Felix Club President: Shit just went from zero to one hundred.

That One Drug Dealer Friend: How many times do I have to say this,

That One Drug Dealer Friend: I WAS FOUR.

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