Bad Day (Hizzie)

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Lizzie is having a bad day, and all she wants is to be in Hope's arms.

"Hope!" Josie calls, rushing up towards the auburn haired tribrid.

"Hey Josie. What's going on?" Hope asks, looking up from her book.

"It's Lizzie. She's just sitting there in our room, crying. I've tried everything, and she just keeps crying, saying that she only wants you," Josie explains.

Hope takes off, leaving the brunette behind. She finds the blonde in her room, sitting on her bed, just crying her eyes out. Lizzie looks up at her, eyes red and puffy from crying, and begins to cry harder. Hope rushes to her side and kneels in front of her. She cups Lizzie's face in her hands and forces Lizzie to meet her eyes, blue on blue. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Hope questions, her voice soft.

"Bad day," Lizzie sniffs, wiping at her face with her shirt sleeves.

"Oh Liz. How about we get you into some comfy clothes and then we can cuddle, okay?" Hope suggests.

Lizzie nods, so Hope heads to the dresser and pulls out some grey sweatpants and one of her hoodies that Lizzie stole when they first started dating. She heads back over the her girlfriend and unbuttons her white button down, tossing it aside. Pulling the hoodie over Lizzie's head, she kisses her nose, causing Lizzie to smile softly at the tribrid. Hope slips the blonde's plaid skirt off her legs and takes her shoes and socks off before pulling the sweatpants over her pale legs.

"There we go, baby. I'm going to grab a nice warm washcloth to wipe your face," Hope says, kissing Lizzie's head.

Hope heads to the attached bathroom and grabs a soft white washcloth. She wets it with warm water and wrings it out. She returns to the bedroom and wipes Lizzie's face with it. Lizzie leans into her touch, causing Hope to smile at her girlfriend, ocean blue eyes filled with love.

"There," Hope states, tossing the washcloth into the hamper, "Do you want to cuddle now?" 

Lizzie nods, so Hope sits on the bed beside her. Lizzie crawls into her lap much like a small child would, and wraps her arms around the auburn haired girl koala style. Hope smiles as the blonde rests her head on her shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Hope asks softly.

"I miss my mom," Lizzie sighs, snuggling further into her girlfriend, "She's never around and I know she's looking for a cure, but I miss my mom," 

"Oh baby. I'm sorry," Hope replies.

"It is what it is," Lizzie states.

Hope kisses Lizzie's head once more, and the pair just sit there in silence. Soon, Lizzie is fast asleep in Hope's arms, head on her shoulder. Hope gazes down at the blonde sleeping in her arms, her heart filled with unconditional love. A soft knock breaks her out of her trance. 

"Come in," Hope calls. 

Josie enters the room and quietly closes the door behind her. She sighs as she takes in her sister, fast asleep in Hope's arms. Josie sits on the bed beside the pair. She tucks blonde hair behind Lizzie's ears.

"Did she tell you what was wrong?" Josie asks softly.

"She misses your mom," Hope explains.

"Lizzie's always had a special bond with our mom. I miss her too, but Lizzie, well, Lizzie misses her in a way I don't understand. She'll be okay, though, because she has you," Josie replies.

"Yeah, she does. I love her so much, Josie. I want to marry her someday," Hope confesses.

"I know you do, and I couldn't think of a better person to be with my sister. Do you have her? I have a date with Penelope in a few," Josie asks.

"Yeah, I got her. Go have fun," Hope replies, waving Josie off.

Josie leaves, closing the door behind her. Lizzie stirs in Hope's arms. Hope strokes her hair, and Lizzie stops stirring. The tribrid lays her down, her legs having fallen asleep. 

"Hopey," Lizzie whimpers, reaching out blindly for Hope.

"Shh. I just laid you down. Let me change into some pajamas and then I'll be right back," Hope promises.

Hope grabs a pair of Lizzie's sweats and a loose sleep shirt. She quickly changes into them. Curling up in bed next to the blonde, she wraps an arm around Lizzie's waist. Lizzie rests her head on Hope's chest, and falls back asleep, but not before murmuring an "I love you". 

"I love you too, Lizzie," Hope whispers, kissing Lizzie's head.

Hope soon falls asleep as well, Lizzie wrapped up safe and sound in her arms. The auburn haired girl knows that no matter how many bad days Lizzie has, she will always be there to hold her after each and every one. 

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