Visiting Sophie (Max and Sophie)

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Max visits Sophie at college. Implied smut. TW: mild cursing

A/N Still taking prompts! Comment or dm with some please!

Max taps her foot anxiously. She's currently on a bus, on her way to visit her girlfriend, Sophie, who is away at college. She's nervous that things will be different between them. Her best friend, Ginny, has assured her everything will be fine, but Max isn't too sure. After what seems like an eternity, the bus arrives and Max makes her way out. She looks around for her girlfriend.She jumps as someone comes up behind her and covers her eyes. 

"Guess who," A familiar voice asks.

"Sophie," Max smiles, turning around.

Max takes in her girlfriend, who looks just as beautiful as always. A wide smile creeps across her face as she launches herself into Sophie's arms. Sophie catches her easily, chuckling as Max begins leaving kisses all over her face. 

"Hi baby," Sophie laughs.

"Hi Sophie," Max replies, still smiling widely at the older girl.

"I missed you so much, Max," Sophie says.

"I missed you too," Max beams.

"Do you want to go back to my dorm? My roommate's out for the day," Sophie asks.

"Of course," Max nods.

Sophie intertwines her fingers with Max's. The pair head to Sophie's car and get inside. Before Sophie can start the car, Max leans over and kisses her lovingly. Sophie smiles softly against Max's soft lips. She breaks the kiss to rest their foreheads together briefly before pulling away.

"Let's go back to my dorm room, and we can do a lot more than kiss," Sophie husks.


Once in Sophie's dorm, the door locked, Sophie pins Max against the door. They kiss roughly, but lovingly. Max moans as Sophie slips her hands under her sweater, caressing the soft skin she finds beneath it. 

"Please, Sophie," Max begs, breaking the kiss.

"Please what?" Sophie smirks.

"Make love to me. I need you," Max replies. 

"Okay, darling, okay," Sophie smiles.

She guides the younger girl to her bed and pushes her onto it gently so she is laying on her back. Max lifts her arms up so Sofie can slip off her sweater. Sophie does so, and tosses it aside. Max tugs at Sophie's own shirt, so Sophie pulls it off and chucks it aside as well. 

They strip each other down until they are bare, one article of clothing at a time. Max pulls Sophie down for a kiss, their lips clashing together, heat coiling in their bellies. 

"Fuck me," Max gasps.

Sophie smirks, and process to do just that. 


Hours later, they lay bare under the sheets, Max in Sophie's arms. Max rests her head on the older girl's chest, listening to her heart beat. Neither girl says anything, but they know both know. They know how much they love each other, it radiates in the air, and how happy they are to be reunited at last. 

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