Never Again (Sanvers)

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Alex wakes up to Maggie crying from a nightmare that Alex left her again. They are back together and married in this one shot.

Alex awakes to her wife sobbing, body shaking violently. Alex immediately wraps Maggie in her arms, whispering soothing words into the detective's ear. Maggie turns in her arms, burring her face into her wife's chest. Eventually, Maggie's sobs cease enough for her to talk.

"What happened, Mags? Did you have a nightmare?" Alex asks worriedly.

"You left me. You left me again and didn't come back," Maggie whimpers, clutching at Alex's sleep shirt.

"Oh baby. I'm right here. I will never ever leave you again. In sickness and in health, remember?" Alex soothes, kissing the detective's head.

"Those months were it was just me on my own were the worst of my life. Worse than being kicked out by my father, worse than when my father walked away for the second time. You left, and I was on my own," Maggie sighs, wiping away the stray tears.

"I know, love, I know. I'm so sorry I ever left you. I'm here now though, and I promise I will never ever leave you again," Alex swears.

"I don't blame you. I know you did what you thought was best at the time, and you came back. I forgave you a long time ago, baby, so stop beating yourself up about it," Maggie replies.

"I'll try, Mags. Now, try to get some sleep, okay? It's late," Alex sighs, kissing Maggie's head.

"Mk. I love you, Alex," Maggie yawns.

"I love you too, Maggie," Alex whispers.

Alex pulls the covers back over them both. Maggie lays her head on Alex's chest, listening to her heartbeat. The steady beat lulls her to sleep. Alex watches her for a while, brown eyes filled with unconditional love for the detective. 

She promises herself she will do her best not to disappoint or hurt Maggie again, and even though Maggie has forgiven her for leaving, Alex knows she will never fully forgive herself. Before she drifts off as well, Alex kisses the detective's head once more, and allows herself to drift off, Maggie safe and sound in her arms.

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