Ex (Shelby and Toni)

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Toni runs into Reagan and invites her back to her house to talk. Shelby is not pleased.

Toni is taking a walk around town when she hears a familiar voice call her name. She turns and sees her ex, Reagan.

"Toni Shalifoe. Didn't expect to see you back here," Reagan remarks.

"Reagan. Hi. Yeah, I didn't either, but my fiance and I wanted to be closer to Martha and her family, so we moved back about a week ago," Toni shrugs.

"Ah. So how have you been? It's been a hot minute," Reagan asks.

"I've been okay. I'm sure you heard about the island thing," Toni replies.

"Yeah, I did. I'm sorry you had to go through that," Reagan nods.

"I'm not. I got a family through it, and I met my fiance, Shelby. Anyways, how have you been?," The former basketball player smiles.

"Oh. Well, I'm happy for you. I've been good. I've been seeing someone for a bit now, and she's amazing," Reagan replies.

"Good, good. Do you want to come back to my place and catch up? Shelby'll be home late tonight," Toni asks.

"Sure. Sounds good. Lead the way," Reagan agrees.

The pair walk back to Toni and Shelby's house. The former basketball player unlocks the door. They kick their shoes off and sit on the black leather couch, facing each other. They fall into conversation easily, as if all those years spent apart never happened. It's nice, Toni thinks to herself, to catch up with her first love. They talk for hours upon hours, neither women noticing the time passing.


Shelby frowns as she locks the brown oak door behind her. It's 11 o'clock at night, and Toni is usually asleep by now. Kicking off her shoes, she enters the living room to find her fiance talking with a raven haired, dark eyed woman.

"Shelby! You're home!" Toni smiles as she spots Shelby.

"Yeah, I'm home," Shelby nods, eyeing the stranger sitting in her living room.

"Oh! Right. Shelby, this is Reagan. Reagan, this is my fiance, Shelby," Toni introduces.

"Nice to meet you," Shelby greets, forcing a smile, "I'm going to head up. It's been a long day. Goodnight,"

"Oh, okay. Nice meeting you too. Sleep well," Reagan nods.

The blonde heads up without kissing Toni goodnight, and Toni knows she's messed up. Reagan leaves about an hour later and Toni climbs the stairs, unsure of what she will find. Slipping into bed, Toni finds Shelby with her back towards her.

"Goodnight, Shelbs. I love you," Toni whispers, getting a grunt in reply.

Toni sighs, and falls into a fitful sleep. Neither women sleeps well that night.


Toni wakes up to an empty bed. She heads downstairs and finds Shelby sitting at the kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee. She kisses the blonde's head, getting no reply. She sits across from Shelby.

"Shelby, baby, please talk to me," Toni begs.

"Why? So you can tell me all about how you brought your ex into my home without telling me?" Shelby asks, green eyes filled with anger.

"It's my home too. We were just talking, Shelby! She is seeing someone and I am engaged to you," Toni replies, trying her best to keep her cool.

"So? She's your ex, Toni. You should have at least texted me!" Shelby shouts.

"Why are you overeating, Shelbs? You know I would never cheat on you. Why are you so angry?" Toni asks.

"Because I'm jealous," Shelby sighs, putting down her coffee.

Toni bursts out laughing. How is this amazing, beautiful girl jealous of Reagan? Shelby knows Reagan is her past. Shelby is Toni's future.

"Stop laughing at me," the blonde pouts.

"I'm sorry, but YOU? Jealous? Baby, I'm with you. I love you. You are so kind, and good, and beautiful. You have nothing to be jealous of," Toni promises.

"Oh" Shelby murmurs.

Toni crosses the room, and tilts Shelby's chin up so their eyes meet, green on brown. Toni kisses the blonde, and picks her up. Shelby giggles as Toni carries her to the living room and lays her down on the couch, never breaking their kiss. Shelby tugs Toni's top off, breaking their kiss.

"Make love to me," Shelby husks, taking her own top off.

Toni proceeds to do just that.


Hours later, the pair lay on the sofa. Toni is holding Shelby close to her. The blonde's head rests on the former basketball player's chest.

"I'm sorry I yelled," Shelby whispers.

"I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you she would be here," Toni replies, kissing the blonde's forehead.

"We're okay, right?" Shelby asks.

"Yes, baby. We're okay," Toni confirms.

Shelby sighs happily, and snuggles closer to Toni. Toni chuckles and grabs the thrown blanket from the back of the couch. She throws it over them and the pair lay in silence, basking in each other's love. No matter how bad the fight, both know they will always work it out in the end, because that's what you do for the person you love, and Toni has no doubt in her mind that she loves this woman with every fiber of her being, and she knows the blonde fells the exact same way.

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