Meeting Hope's Aunts (Hizzie)

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Hope's aunts, Freya and Keelin, come to visit. They meet Lizzie for the first time. 

"Liz, wake up, love," Hope whispers, gently shaking Lizzie awake.

Lizzie, who is still fast asleep under the covers of Hope's bed, groans. She buries her face into the pillow, causing Hope to chuckle at her girlfriend lovingly.

"It's too early," Lizzie mumbles sleepily, rolling onto her back.

"I know, pretty girl, but my aunts are coming soon and I really want you to meet them," Hope replies.

"Okay, I'll get up, but only for you," Lizzie agrees, "but first, I want my good morning kiss".

Hope leans down and kisses the blonde briefly before pulling away. She gets out of bed and grabs a plaid skirt, white button down, and navy sweater. Placing a kiss on Lizzie's head, she heads into the attached bathroom to change and prepare for the day.

 Lizzie lays in bed for several more minutes before getting up. She grabs a plaid skirt and white button down that she always keeps in Hope's room along with a black blazer and tie. The blonde finds her black boots and white socks as well. 

Once Hope comes out of the bathroom, Lizzie goes in and gets ready for the day. Once ready, she exits the bathroom to find Hope sitting on a now made bed, tying her shoelaces. She glances up at the blonde siphoner and smiles, causing Lizzie's heart to flutter in her chest the way it always does when the tribrid smiles at her like that, ocean blue eyes so full of unconditional love for the other girl. 

"You're beautiful," Hope smiles.

"So are you. We're picking your aunts up at the airport, right?" Lizzie replies, grabbing her bag.

"Yep. Your dad gave me the keys to the car last night. We should get going," Hope nods, standing up and grabbing her own bag from where it is laying on the desk chair.

"Okay. Let's go then, baby. We can grab some drive through breakfast or something on the way there," Lizzie agrees. 

They head to the car. Hope opens the passenger side door for the blonde, causing Lizzie to smile. Once Lizzie is inside the vehicle, Hope closes the door and gets in on the driver's side. She starts the car, and they are off. They grab some breakfast from a Mcdonalds drive through. Lizzie eats her hotcakes and at the same time feeds the tribrid her egg mcmuffin as Hope drives, causing Hope's heart to soar at the domestic, thoughtful gesture. 

They arrive at the airport about an hour later. Hope parks the car, and the pair walk into the airport hand in hand. They sit and wait for the tribrid's aunts to arrive. Lizzie taps the fingers off her free hand on the armrest, the way she does when she is nervous.

"They're going to love you, Lizzie," Hope promises, squeezing the blonde's hand.

"They never liked Landon though. Why should I be any different," Lizzie sighs.

"They never liked him because he didn't treat me right and was toxic. You, though, you treat me so well and are the opposite of toxic. You bring out the good in me, baby, so yes, they will love you just as much as I do," Hope replies.

As if on cue, Hope's aunts come walking out of the airport gate, carrying their luggage. Both girls stand up, and Hope drops Lizzie's hand so she can greet her aunts.  The older women approach, smiling at the sight of their niece.

"Hope," Freya greets, pulling her niece into a hug.  

Hope hugs her back. Her aunts are the only family she has left that she talks to regularly. She loves them so much and they love her just as much.

"Alright, babe, you're hogging her. It's my turn," Keelin tells her wife, stealing Hope from Freya and hugging her.

"Hi Aunt Keelin," Hope smiles.

"Hi Hope," Keelin replies, freeing Hope from her hug.

"You must be Lizzie. Hope's talked about you in her letters. I'm Freya, and this is my wife, Keelin," Freya says, turning towards the younger blonde.

"Yes. Hi. It's nice to meet you," Lizzie smiles, shaking Freya's, and then Keelin's hands.

"Likewise," Keelin replies.

"Well, should we get going? We can probably make it back in time for lunch if we leave now," Hope asks. 

"Sounds good. Let's go," Freya nods.

They all head to the car and hop in, Lizzie and Hope in the front seats, Keelin and Freya in the back. The drive back is awkward at first, but soon the car is filled with pleasant conversation and laughter. By the time they arrive at the school, Freya and Keelin know that Lizzie is the one for their niece.


After lunch, Hope takes her aunts into town and shows them around. Lizzie joins them for dinner and afterwards, they have dessert and then head back to the school. Once darkness falls, before heading to the room she and Keelin will be staying in, Freya heads to Hope's room to say goodnight to her niece. 

She knocks on the door softly, and once Hope calls for her to come in, she enters. A smile creeps across her face at the sight of her niece sitting on the bed, Lizzie's head in her lap. The blonde is already asleep, and Hope is playing with her hair.

"Hi Aunt Freya," Hope greets.

"Hi Hope," Freya replies, sitting on the foot of Hope's bed.

They sit in silence for a while, Hope continuing to stroke Lizzie's hair. Freya breaks the silence with a question.

"You really love her, don't you?" Freya asks.

"I do. I want to marry her someday," Hope nods, smiling lovingly down at the blonde.

"I like her. She's perfect for you, and unlike that Kirby boy, treats you right," Freya states.

"I want to propose to her with mom's ring. Is that okay?" Hope questions.

"Of course, Hope. It was your mom's, and now it's yours, so you are free to do whatever you like with it. The only condition is you invite your aunt and I to the wedding," Freya smiles, happy that her niece has found someone that is so perfect for her.

"Of course you will be invited. She has to say yes first, though," Hope replies.

"Oh, she'll say yes. She looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. She will say yes. Now, I'm going to get some sleep. Goodnight, Hope. I love you," Freya says, standing up.

"Goodnight, Aunt Freya," Hope yawns.

Freya places a kiss on the tribrid's head before leaving, closing the door softly behind her. Hope lays down beside Lizzie, placing a pillow under the blonde's head. She wraps Lizzie is her arms, and kisses her nose, covering them with the blankets. The blonde stirs a bit, but does not wake.

"Goodnight, Liz, I love you," Hope whispers.

Lizzie snuggles closer to her, causing Hope to smile. The tribrid soon drifts off, her heart and mind at ease, the love of her life, safe and sound in her arms. 

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