Scarred For Life (Posie)

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Josie walks in on Lizzie and Hope, and is scarred for life. Penelope comforts her while trying her best not to laugh.

Josie opens the door to her room, not bothering to knock. The plan is to grab some pajama and a toothbrush before heading to her girlfriend Penelope's room for the night. She is excited to spend the night with the raven haired witch, having not had much time together due to an onslaught of school work the past few weeks.

The plan changes, however, as she enters the room she shares with her twin sister, Lizzie. Lizzie is topless, straddling her girlfriend, Hope's lap as they make out passionately. Josie lets out a surprised squeak. Lizzie turns around in the tribrid's lap, just as surprised as Josie. The unfortunate brunette gets a full view of her sister's naked chest before she runs out of the room, scarred for life. 

Lizzie groans, realizing her sister has just seen her topless, and hides her head in the crook of Hope's neck. The tribrid chuckles, and kisses her head. Hope knows she is never going to hear the end of this from Josie.

"That did not just happen," Lizzie sighs, lifting her head up.

"It did, unfortunately, babe," Hope tells her.

Lizzie groans again, and lets her head fall back into the crook of Hope's neck. The auburn haired girl strokes Lizzie's hair. She's just thankful that it was Josie who saw her girlfriend topless, and not some random person. 

Meanwhile, Penelope looks up from her book as the door to her room flies open. Josie stands there, panting, a look of surprise on her face. The witch immediately closes the book and rushes to Josie's side, worried her girlfriend is injured. 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Penelope asks worriedly. 

"I just saw my sister topless making out with Hope. I'm scarred for life," Josie shudders.

"Oh baby. That's awful," Penelope replies, trying not to laugh at the look on the siphoner's face.

"It is! I didn't get my pajamas or toothbrush," Josie pouts.

"Don't worry. You can wear some of mine and I have an extra toothbrush you can have," Penelope assures her.

The witch guides Josie to sit on the bed. She then grabs an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants for her girlfriend. Penelope also grabs a hoodie and some sleep shorts for herself. The pair change into their pajamas and head to the bathroom. Penelope hands Josie a fresh toothbrush. The brunette smiles her thanks, and they brush their teeth. 

They head back into Penleope's room. The witch lays on her bed and pats the empty space beside her. Josie smiles and crawls into bed, curling into Penelope's arms. Her head rests on the witch's chest. The raven haired girl smiles, and pulls the covers over them. She places a gentle kiss on the siphoner's forehead, causing Josie to smile as well.

"I am still scarred for life, you know," Josie whispers.

"I know, Jojo," Penelope chuckles.

Josie will never be able to get the image of her topless sister out of her mind, but as she lays there in Penelope's arms, a calm bliss floats throughout her entire body. As she falls asleep, she knows everything will be okay. After all, she now has another thing to tease Lizzie about, which is always a good thing when it comes to siblings. The more embarrassing stories to tease her sister with, the better, and this incident adds yet another story to Josie's ever growing list. 

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