Forgivness (Clexa)

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Lexa upsets Clarke and tries to make it up to her. Modern day AU. TW: Alcohol use. Prompt by @AmeliaNatashaKehlani. 

Lexa is pissed. She has had the worst day at her work, where she is a lawyer. She lost the case she has been working on for months now, which was suppose to be an easy win, but turned out to be the exact opposite. The last thing she wants to do is go home and inflict Clarke, her wife, with her bad mood, so she heads to the local bar. She drinks herself into a stupor, earning herself quite the bar tab.

Meanwhile, back at their house, Clarke is humming to herself as she sets the table. She is so excited for her dinner date with her wife. She's barely seen Lexa all week and is looking forward to spending time with her. She places some cloth napkins and silverware on the round wood table as well as several candles and rose petals in the center. The oven beeps, so she quickly heads to the kitchen and pulls out the lasagna, which she has made from scratch as it is her wife's favorite. She places it on the table and fills their wine glasses with red wine, and waits. She waits for hours, and Lexa doesn't come home.


By the time Lexa stumbles in, incredible drunk, the blonde is sitting on the couch, fuming with rage. Lexa closes the door and locks it, managing to kick off her shoes clumsily. She turns on the light to reveal her wife, sitting on the sofa, and smiles at her, unaware of what she has done.

"Hi Clarkey," Lexa slurs.

"Do you know what time it is? It's 1 o'clock in the morning! I was worried sick! Do you even know what you missed?" Clarke yells.

"Uh... no?" Lexa replies.

"Our dinner date. I made your favorite food and everything! You are sleeping on the couch tonight!," Clarke says angrily, storming away.

Drunk Lexa just shrugs, and goes to sleep. When she wakes up in the morning, head ponding, she knows she is in deep trouble with her wife. 


Clarke ignores her for days on end, despite Lexa's best attempts to smooth things over. She gets Clarke's favorite flowers, brings her lunch, and even purchases Clarke some expensive art supplies. Nothing. The blonde still gives her the silent treatment, and Lexa is out of ideas, so she texts one of Clarke's best friends, Raven, for help. Raven makes fun of her for screwing up so badly, and after tons of teasing, Raven tells Lexa to recreate the date with Clarke's favorite things. Lexa does just that.

She prepares some spaghetti and homemade bread. Lexa picks up some white wine, Clarke's preferred drink, and some pastries from the blonde's favorite bakery. She lays everything on the table on top of a white table cloth. For a centerpiece, she picks up some daisies from the local florist. She sits, and waits for her wife. 

Clarke comes home to a delicious smell. She closes and locks the door, and takes in the table. Lexa stands up and crosses the room. She takes both of the blonde's hands in hers, and looks deep into her ocean blue eyes.

"I'm so so sorry for missing our date, Clarke. I lost the case and wasn't thinking, and I should have come home to you instead of getting drunk. I love you so much. Let me make it up to you?" Lexa begs.

"I think I've been mad at you long enough. Besides, those pastries look good, but if you miss another date in favor of getting drunk, I won't forgive you so easily," Clarke agrees.

Lexa smiles, and leads Clarke to the table. They spend the rest of the night eating dinner and dessert. The night ends with both of them bare, laying under the sheets, Clarke in Lexa's arms. Lexa watches, green eyes full of love, as Clarke drifts off in her arms. The brunette drifts off soon after, knowing she is forgiven for her mistake, and vowing to herself to never do it again.

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