One More Chance (Elizona)

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Takes place after Grey's Anatomy episoide 14x01 Eliza shows up on Arizona's doorstep with a cut on her forehead. Told from Arizona's point of view. TW: Brief mentions of violence and implied past abusive relationship

I sigh as I hear a knock on the door. I just got home from work and am really not in the mood to do anything except watch TV and snuggle up with some blankets. I ignore it, but soon the knock comes again. I groan, but get up and open it. Standing on the doorstep, bleeding from her forehead, is Eliza. Her bright green eyes are red and puffy from crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Arizona. I should never have left without a word. I was ashamed and afraid that you would break up with me because I got fired. I'm sorry Arizona. I love you. Please give me another chance," Eliza sobs.

Even though I want to slam the door in her face for hurting me and breaking my heart, I love her. She may not know it yet but I do. So much.

"Shhh... It's okay. I forgive you. You made a mistake, El. We all make mistakes. Come inside, your bleeding," I soothe.

She steps inside and I close the door behind her. I help her upstairs and into my bedroom.

"Sit down, baby. I'm going to grab the first aid kit. I'll be right back," I urge gently.

She sits down on the bed and I rush to grab the first aid kit before returning to her side. Pressing gauze to the cut on her forehead, our eyes meet. She breaks down into tears, making my heartbreak. My poor Eliza... The bleeding has stopped so I remove the gauze and place a bandage on the wound before taking her into my arms.

"Shhh... it's ok. I'm right here, Eliza," I soothe, placing a kiss on her head.

After a while, she calms down and pulls away, sniffling. She wipes at her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, snuggling further into my warm embrace.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask, reaching out to take her hand in mine.

"My ex happened. I don't know how she found me. She pinned me down and cut my head with a knife. I escaped and ran here," Eliza explains.

"Oh, baby. You're safe now. I'm right here. It's ok," I assure her.

"Arizona, I know I've messed up, but I meant what I said. I love you and I am so sorry. I want to be your girlfriend again. Please give me one more chance," Eliza begs.

"Ok. One more chance, El. I forgive you. I messed up too. While we were apart I slept with someone. I'm sorry. I was hurting and I made a mistake," I explain.

"I'm not going to lie, Arizona, it hurts that you slept with another woman, but we were apart so I can't blame you. I forgive you," Eliza says, smiling softly at me.

I smile back at her before cupping her face in my hands and kissing her. She kisses me lovingly, running her fingers through my hair. I break the kiss and rest our foreheads together, her green eyes meeting my blue ones. Eliza's eyes are filled with love and lust, and it sends a jolt of heat through my body, directly down to my core.

"I love you too. Now, make love to me," I whisper, making her beam and kiss me again.


Hours later, we lay tangled in the sheets, her in my arms. She is sound asleep, her arm wrapped around my waist, head on my chest.

"I love you Eliza Minnick," I murmur before falling asleep as well, the woman I love fast asleep in my arms, so glad that I gave her one more chance.

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