After "Steven universe future" Steven was mutated by unknown origins and was made to become a monster whenever he's angry. Now, with no memory of his past, he will have to find his own way. But in the meantime he will meet great new animal pals and...
As darkness falls, the hunters have established base camp in an area they have trampled and cleared just below the ridge. Blue laser fences encircle the perimeter.
Half a dozen tents are set up around a central campfire.
The vehicles are all parked at one end, away from the tents. At the other end, there is a row of at least a dozen "capture containers," cages that hold the fruits of their roundup.
Up on the ridge, MALCOLM has his hand securely around SARAH'S waist as she stands near the edge of the ridge, looking down at the scene through binoculars. VOICE waft up to them, raucous, LAUGHING, and some SINGING. Meanwhile Steven is just horrified with all the dinosaurs all boxed up in cages like he Rex Elsa woog and dweeb were back in professor screw eyes circus but minus the chains
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SARAH corythosaurus - - compsognathus - - triceratops - - pachycephalosaurus - - looks like they went for herbivores or small scavengers.
She starts to get dizzy and steps back, a hand to her head. She looks at Malcolm, irritated with herself.
SARAH (cont'd) Sorry. Can't help it.
KELLY looks at her, concerned.
KELLY Are you okay?
Sarah smiles gamely and takes her hand.
MALCOLM This is why Hammond was in such a hurry to get you here. He knew they were coming.
EDDIE also has binoculars.
EDDIE My God, they're well organized. Every piece of gear, state of the art.
MALCOLM I can't believe Peter Ludlow's running all this.
NICK speaks up, looking through binoculars of his own.
NICK He isn't. Check out the guy walking past the fire.
Malcolm takes his binoculars and peers down at the camp.
he sees ROLAND, who's walking with AJAY, weapons and equipment slug over their shoulders.
NICK (o.s.) I've run into this guy before. In Brazil. He was spearhunting jaguars. Said it was immoral to go after them any other way. Thinking he's a hunter/philosopher. He's the one in charge.
EDDIE Night is falling, people. We should get back to base camp.
MALCOLM Absolutely. We've indulged our curiosity long enough. Kelly and I are going back to the trailers with Eddie to send the radio call for the boat. Who's coming?
SARAH We haven't come close to finishing our work yet.
MALCOLM Your work has been invalidated by their presence. What Hammond needed to sway the public opinion was a record of his Lost World - - before it was found. It's too late for that.