Chapter 10 - [Easter Break]

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Scotland, Hogwarts: April 1944

Tom hadn't spoken to Maélys in weeks.

Well, every other day he caught her when she returned to the common room hours after curfew and he had to deduct points from his own house. But she'd always quickly move to her dorm before he could say something else.

So, weeks had passed and winter had turned into spring. The snow melted and more students went outside. The weather was sunnier and the temperatures went up.

Every student was in a fairly happy mood - only the seventh-years were more stressed than ever. In a few months they'd take their NEWTs which will determine their future.

Tomorrow, Easter break would start and many students would return home to their families for the holidays. Tom himself had been invited to spend the two weeks with Rosier as his parents would not be at home. His other Knights would join them after a few days.

"Come in, come in," Slughorn said to his students as he unlocked the door to the potions classroom. It was the last period before the school day was over and the students were eager to be done with the class.

"Tom, my boy, how are you today?", his teacher asked him as he walked toward his brewing table.

"Wonderful, sir. And you?"

"Ah, I'm ready for a few weeks of silence," Slughorn smiled and waddled to his desk.

"Sit down, dear students and let's begin! We have a lot ahead of us today!"

A few groans were heard throughout the classroom as many students had hoped to have relaxing class today.

"As I announced in September, our last big project of the year will be a group project. I always paired two students of the same capability. Each team has to brew the same potion: Veritaserum. Now, does anybody know what Veritaserum is and how it is used?"

Tom looked around the classroom. Only a few students held out their hands. d'Avaugour, he noted, was one of them.

"Yes, Miss Prince," Slughorn called a Slytherin girl.

"Veritaserum is a powerful truth serum. The potion effectively forces the drinker to answer any questions truthfully. But the use of this potion is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic."

"Correct, Miss Prince. Five points for Slytherin. So, I'll assign you in teams in two. You have until the end of term to brew the potion and hand in a protocol book about your progress and methods."

Tom only listened half to the names Slughorn was reading and read in his textbook about the potion he had to brew until -

"Mister Riddle and Miss d'Avaugour."

He abruptly looked up from his book and looked over to the girl. She did not even glanced in his direction but rather said something to the Prince girl, who sat next to her.

This was perfect for him, he thought. Now, she had to spend time with him while working on this potions project.

He tried to hide his sly smile. She cannot escape him now.


"I don't like saying 'I told you so' but-"

"The hell you don't, it's your favourite phrase", Louisa laughed.

"Hmm, maybe you're right. I do like saying it."

Maélys and Louisa sat alone in a compartment in the Hogwarts express, waiting for it to arrive at King's Cross. They had spent the entire train ride eating candy and talking about boys, in particular Oliver Dehoff.

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