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I am tired.

Tired of my life, tired of myself. Tired of pretending, tired of faking it all.

Tired of forcing this smile on my face, tired of assuming everything will be alright.

I am tired of LIVING.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips before I climbed on the ralling of the bridge.

I stood there, at the edge as I stared hundreds feets below at the silent water.

The water looked calm and peaceful. Way better than the hectic of a life I have.

I raised my head and squeezed my eyes shut as I stretched my arms.

My heart beat faster, my mouth dry and my lips chapped as I parted them. I started breathing heavy as I gulped a huge lump down my throat.

"It's fine Jungkook. You can do it. This pain will go forever-"

I took a deep breath before quenching my eyes and bending my knees, ready to jump-


I heard loud scream approach me as a hand grabbed my jacket pulling me back on the down.

I landed hard on my ass and back as I groaned in pain.

"JESUS CHRIST! A-Are you fine?"

I twitched my eyes slowly as I viewed a boy staring at me.

I felt a breath escape my lips as I watched him.

Light blonde hair, fair soft skin with tint of pink on those chubby cheeks, those plum pink lips parted a little, eyebrows depressed showing a worried expression across his face.

"Oh My God!! Looks like he is still in shock! W-What do I do??" he panicked as he raced back and forth.

I just laid there quitely no words coming out my lips.


He screamed near my ear.

I flinched out of my thoughts and sighed a breath, I didn't know I was holding onto one.

He was annoying.

"Did he lost his hearing?!! HEY ARE- " He started screaming again.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I mumbled out low cutting him off.

"Thank God! You are fine. I was so-"

He paused as he glared at me.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!! Why?!! Do you even realize how your loved ones would feel?!! Do you have an idea of how worried they migh-"

I sighed as I quietly got up. He kept babbling as I shrugged off the dirt from my pants and walked off, without even replying him.

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