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Jimin Pov:

I gulped as I felt my heart sunk in my chest at the name. My mouth hung low and eyes tempting to water up.

"Is Jungkook with you?"

I gasped at her sudden interrogation. Does she know about us? Why is she asking me? B-but the real question is.....Jungkook isn't home?!!

"W-why would he be with me?" I tried to scoff but my heart was not ready to hear what she says after.

"H-he.....I think he....Jimin he said he doesn't wanna live a-anymore...a-and.....D-dad is in hospital right now....I don't know what to d-do," She sobbed after each of her words.

"W-What? Yuna stop crying and tell me clearly what happened...."

"He had a fight with Dad last night and he left home really upset. He was saying that his reason to live is gone a-and so is his will to live anymore."

I inhaled deeply and my eyes widened. My mouth felt dry as I tried to speak up.

"He left last night and you're telling this to me now??!!!"

I palmed my mouth on disbelief as tears started to well up in my orbs.

"Sir...please take your handbag -" the staff mumbled as I stood there stoned.

Tae glanched at my side. He had heard my loud voice earlier as he grabbed the bag instantly from the staff.

"Thanks...I'll take it," He mumbled.

I looked over Tae and mouthed 'thanks' to him as he nodded in response.

"N-no I wanted to stop him b-but, D-dad...."

Yuna cried and I could sense up something bad from the sobs she was welling up on the phone.

"W-what happened to his dad? He is fine, right?" I gulped.

"no Jimin....he was already a heart patient. He could't bear with the trauma and he fell all of a sudden after Jungkook left. I-I was so scared and since then I'm in hospital with him. And I thought Jungkook just said that in the verge of his anger....I didn't know he'd for real-"

She paused as she started sobbing loudly.

"I don't know w-where is he....I-I don't know what to do. I can't leave Dad and Jinyun-ah here....J-Jimin please help me,"

My heart was beating like crazy. I licked my lip before answering her.

"Please don't cry Yuna. I-I'll search for him and find him no matter where he is."

"...thankyou so much Jimin!!!" she screeched between her sobs.

"Please take care of his Dad....and don't worry,"

I hung up the phone as Tae stared at me from beside with raised eyebrows.

"What the hell was I supposed to do now?"

Was the only thing that came in my mind right now.

"......Jimin?" Tae spoke as I flinched out of my thoughts.

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