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"Maybe because I've got a reason to live now," He groaned.

That send chills down my spine and I felt goosebumps all over my body.

In anyway, was he-......was he talking about me?

My heart raced faster as I gulped nervously. But couldn't gather enough guts to ask him the reason.


I snapped out of my thoughts when he called me out.


"Are you afraid of the sea?"

"N-no, I'm not. Why are you asking?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Then why did you resist to go in the water earlier?"


Actually, I was. I was afraid of sea or ocean or any other related to water. How did he even guess? How did he become so fine with reading my expressions?

But if I tell him the truth, he might end up asking me the reason and I don't want that to happen. Narrating him everything right now will only end up making me more anxious and I might not be able to enjoy this moment with him.

I can't let that happen.

"I'm not afraid of anything okay?" I scoffed.

"Anything?" he smirked with a

"Aishh....youre such a pervert,"

"Ya! Who do you think you are calling a pervert?" He crossed his arms?

"You!!" I teased him as I stuck out my tongue. He just stood there staring at me, looking stunned. He flinched when I started running away and giggling along the shore.

"Wait-......wait for me,"


At the end of the day, we were at my apartment, because there know, people everytime at his place.

I knew taking him to my apartment wasn't a great idea and that I would eventually end up under the sheets with him.

Which I did.

I woke up to him drawing circles on my bare back

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I woke up to him drawing circles on my bare back.

I smiled before turning around to face him now. He was staring at me innocently with his big doe eyes.

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