- yours Jungkook |The End|

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Jungkook Pov:

"Jimin...I don't think I can do this,"

I mumbled but he squeezed my hand making me look at him.

"I know you can Jungkook. Come on now, go inside,"

He said as he pushed my back making me step forward.

I took a deep breath and entered inside.

My Dad's house.

I rang the doorbell and stood there stoned.

When there was no response, I turned around to Jimin again.

"Looks like no one is home Jimin. I-its a bad idea Jimin.... let's go back..."

"No, it's not! Don't be such a coward Jungkook! Go try it once again,"

He mumbled and made a turn around again facing the big gateway of the house.

I pressed the doorbell again.

There was no response and I twisted my head to Jimin's side giving him an obvious look when suddenly a voice came out from the speaker.

"W-who is it?"

My heart sunk and my eyes teared up at the vocals. He sounded tired and old and worn out.

I tried to speak up but my mouth was dry and I was on the verge to spill out my tears any moment.

Suddenly Jimin grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I looked over him and he nodded with a smile gesturing that it's alright.


I mumbled my voice shaky and the other side was silent for a while.

Soon after we heard someone rushing and scrambling towards us and in no time the gate opened wide revealing him.

He stood there with his hands covering his mouth and tears in his orbs.

His hair was grey and wrinkles more prominent around his eyes and mouth. His posture was a little disastrous, his skin pale and he looked not so healthy.


He shuttered as he slowly reached his hand towards me. I watched as his hand trembled as it landed on my face.

He cupped my face in both of his hands and caressed my cheek.

"You're back...?"

He teared a smile.

"Y-yes.....I missed you D-dad, " I said as he pulled me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much, son. Where did you go? W-where were you all these years Jungkook?"

He pulled over and glared at my face.

"I-I thought you'd never return back . I thought I'd d-die without even seeing you for the last time..."

He sobbed and I felt my chest tighten at his words.

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