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Jimin Pov:

It was then when we started being playful. With him chasing me with the bowl of whipped cream in his hand.

The idea of making a cake wasn't good after all. As we never got to have the cake that was never baked indeed because of our chaotic ass ended up smearing the whipped cream over each other and drizzling ourselves in the white flour.

I inhaled a breath as I twisted my head half to view him approaching me with every stamina he got.

I giggled as I kept going not only to trip over my own feet and slam hard on the floor. I landed on my front with my palms crashing with the floor as I pushed apart to protect my face from whacking against the floor.


I heard a scream near my way. I felt a hand grasp my arm pulling me up in his lap.

"Holy shit! A-are you f-fine?!" He shuttered hastily looking me in the eye.

My body felt numb with no pain anywhere to be seen. Everything around me felt muted with only the sound of him babbling continuously.

"Why the fuck aren't you speaking?! Jimi-?!!"

I quickly placed a finger on his mouth sealing them before he could squeal anymore.

I felt a blush creep over my cheek when I realised how much he cared for me. His worried eyes and furrowed brows trying their best to read my expression.

I smiled as I admired his features carefully. I ran my hand over his face moving away his dark brown bangs that were stuck on his forehead from sweat.

"Deja vu-"

I muttered shortly after.

"Huh?" He raised a brow.

"Isn't this scenario familiar?"

I mumbled softly as my palm crept down to his jaw and cupped his cheeks in both my palms.

"The first time we met?"

I nodded and he instantly placed his palm over mine and let out a sigh.

"I was so frightened that day, you have no idea-"

"I know, your expression expressed it all," he replied.

"I must have looked pathetic, right? Screaming and running back and forth like an idiot,"

"Hmm to be honest....yes-" he chuckled making me laugh out loud with him.
"But, your reaction was obvious as I would feel the same if I were you. Seeing someone trying to take his life isn't a routine thing for everyone.."

He laughed but his laugh disappeared shortly when he saw me frown.

"Then, why did you?" I asked.

He gulped and faced the ground ignoring the shit out of me again. I grabbed and pulled him closer making his face lean over mine.

I watched his eyes quietly for a while trying to read them and to my surprise, they appeared somewhat glassy now.

"Jungkook tell me....tell me what's wrong? You tryna look tough but I know there's something that's....that's bothering you, what is it Jungkook?"

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