𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒

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As Y/N was on her morning walk. It was the brink of the day, the sun started to rise. As it did, it glazed on her. The warmth from the sun made her feel all tingly inside. It was like a human warmth generator. She was content at this point in time. Her emotionless expression curved into a slight smile, as she softly admired the flowers in the garden beginning to bloom and the Sakura tree swaying with the light wind. Her hair too, was swaying. Matching the waves of the wind, everything about the morning made her want to burst out smiling. She was at peace. Little did she know, there was a familiar choppy haired ghost boy starring her with admiration. No.. he wasn't STALKING. He was just trying to discover what you do outside of working for him. As he studied her figure, and features he couldn't help but turn a faint light pink shade. Her smile was very rare, no that was an understatement. Her smile was scarce, as rare as a produced only one antique. As he watched her hair sway with the wind. Her soft, glistening in the sunlight lips curved into a slight smile. His dead ghost heart started pounding rapidly, how was this even possible? He's dead after all. He clenched his uniform where his heart could be located. Trying to catch his breath because he was absolutely taken back from her beauty. He felt like he was dying again. The ghost boy studied as Y/N moved towards a patch of extremely healthy blooming flowers. These flowers were more healthy than all the others. Y/N's secret is that she was growing those flowers, she would come out every morning and water them. She grabbed a f/c watering pot, she smiled happily at the sight of her blooming flowers growing a little bit more as she watered them.

Then, she sighed.

"Time to go to work." Her expression changed completely, back to her usual emotionless face. As she faded away from her proudly blooming flowers, starting her journey to find her boss.

'She hates working for me doesn't she?' The ghost boy thought, he looked to the ground and clenched his fits. He was actually extremely hurt by that thought. He felt his heart drop. He enjoyed her presence so much. Yet, she didn't reciprocate these emotions back towards him. He didn't want her to feel like working for him was a burden and it'd be better if she didn't work for him, or worse even know him. So, he made it his mission to think of ways that will make her smile once again, for him this time. He started his way to the bathroom, with his hand in his pockets.


When he saw Y/N roaming the hallways to find her boss, he ran up and hugged her tightly from behind. Wrapping his arms around their neck down to their chest area, and shoving his face into their neck. Snuggling up to her. He was so close that she could feel his smile against her neck. Y/N was use to this though. He's done this for years now. Students started flooding the hallways, due to the week beginning once again.

"Hello Hanako-san." The girl ignored where his hands were. She's had to deal with him for so many years, she just ignored whenever he was being lewd.

"I missed you, why didn't you snuggle with me last night" He pouted and moved from her neck to her ear, ".. I was cold." He whispered in a low husky voice, trying to explore what she would do if he went this way. He wanted to find a way to get some reaction out of her. Then, he'd proceed with his new plan.

As usual, her expression didn't changed. "Hanako-san, your a ghost.. your always cold." She facepalmed. Hanako instantly frowned. This girl is playing hard to get, no. She's on a whole new level, she's playing IMPOSSIBLE to get.


They both made their way to the bathroom. Hanako talked consistently about space. For once, Y/N actually paid attention. She loved space, definitely just as much as he did. He knew this too. He used it as his advantage to have her care about what he was saying. It made him feel happy when she looked at him while he was talking. He had a pink tint on his face, due to all the new attention he's not usually use to. They got to the bathroom and Hanako floated over to the windowsill and sat on it. Some Mokke showed up and instantly jumped in Y/N's arms, cuddling in her arms. She gave all of them kisses, which made Hanako glare at them in jealousy. He floated over and tightly hugged her from the side, he wanted attention too..

what a baby.

"Hey Hanako-san, is there anything you want me to do today? Can I get a list, I kinda wanna get off earlier." She looked over to him, as she did Hanako was staring at her. Their nosed brushed against each other's, he mischievously smirked booping her nose with his. He loved being close to her, and especially this close to her lips. He's always wondered how they tasted, how they felt up against his, if their lips would fit perfectly together. He fantasized about it day in and day out. Even in this moment he was fantasizing, he leaned in closer to the girl..

She rolled her eyes at the attempt to kiss her. She pushed her index finger on his lips.

"Not happening, pervert." He snapped back into reality and out of his fantasy, then flourished with a bright red, he was the color of a cherry at this point. When he realized what he was trying to do, in a quick motion he bashed himself against the wall. "The list?" You asked him again, tilting your head in confusion at his quick motion away from you. He questioned how you keep such a straight face constantly, and admired it as well.

"Oh uh, yeah." He covered his blushing face with his hat, "Just check on the Mokke, and if I call you back.. I count on you to come back." He calmed down and put his hat back properly on, now was staring at her, she stared back at him and she was kinda glad he was embarrassed from his attempt cause he let her off easy.

"Alright, I will. Bye Hanako-san" She floated to the door and turned back and gave him a slight awkward wave, before continuing out the door.

Hanako felt a arrow plunge through his heart when she awkwardly waved at him. He thought it was the cutest thing ever.


Y/N was walking around in the crowed hallways checking in on all the Mokke, she brought a bunch of sweet treats and cuddles. The Mokke adored her. She gave them a lot of love and affection. They honestly, worshiped her. She spent a lot of time playing with the Mokke, and laughing. They all yearned for her smile and laughter. It brought all of them great joy. Whenever she would see them in the hallways they always jumped on her and she snuggled them up to her face, she gave them a lot of kisses too. Hanako obviously always got so jealous and the Mokke and him would always fight over you.

"You're so beautiful Y/N-Chan!" All the Mokke said in unison, as they opened their candies she gave them.

"I love you every single one of you guys," She smiles brightly at them, they were like her children. The four things she smiles at, the sun rising and the warmth it gives off, her flowers, space in general, and the Mokke. Suddenly, she felt Hanako calling her. She groans. "I have to go now, I'll be back later." The mokke begged her not to. Yet, she had to leave as soon as possible, like she said she would. She transformed into her two orbs, and rushed. She was a lot faster in her orb form.


When she made it back, Hanako greeted her with a bright smile and wave. He was inside his summoning bathroom stall. He shushed her, and on the other side there could be footsteps heard. As well as faint whimpering. There were three faint knocks at the door. Then, a faint voice could be heard.




Are you in there?"


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