𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑘𝑜𝑛

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"None of these things are working.. none. Also, how is running with a toast in my mouth suppose to make him want me." Yashiro pouted, as she rubbed her bruise which was implanted on her head.

"Eheh.." Hanako appeared behind her with his hand sheepishly behind his neck.

"Not funny!" Yashiro turned back around and yelled at him. "Now he's just more confused." She lunged over, sighing.

"Yeah... Oh I know!" Hanako floated over Yashiro meeting their eyes, sharing glances to each other. His hat was about to fall off, yet one of Y/N's orbs held his hat up for him. "Why.. don't you just tell them?" This man should really listen to his own advice, he knows it's a lot harder than what it seems like. Yashiro scooted away from the ghost, and squealed.

"I can't!" She cried, her eyes were tight shut.

"Come on.. I'm running out of ideas!" Hanako groaned, he was getting tired of wasting Y/N and his time alone. He wanted to hug her, he missed seeing her graceful appearance.. just not these orbs. He felt lucky to be one of the only people who have seen her appearance, he wanted to protect her from others in fear that she'll leave.

"And I wanna see my irresistible Y/N-Chan again.." He muttered, thankfully nobody heard him.

"Now that I think about it, You don't know what you're doing do you?" Yashiro glared at the ghost. "This isn't what ghost are normally about!" She pointed her finger at the ghost in complete anger.

"Besides me, call me wholesome Hanako-kun!" He hugged himself and moved around like a worm.

Yashiro turned into a demon as she powered over Hanako, he cowardly squirmed in fear underneath Yashiro. Y/N floated over to him, protecting him from Yashiro.

Yashiro tilted her head in confusion noticing the orbs moving on their own, and questioned it.

"Why-? I thought you controlled them?" She stepped back, not wanted to aggravate the orbs anymore.

"Errr- well umm.." Hanako began, he was shocked at your sudden protection. He'd tease you about it later. "I have other items too!" He stated trying to change the subject, not wanting Y/N's secret to come out. He wanted her all for himself.. his little secret. As his mind started to go lewd he pulled out a kokeshi doll.. that looked exactly like Y/N when she was in her natural form.

"So? What is this used for?" Yashiro asked as Hanako handed her the doll. His eyes gazed to the orbs, as he smirked.

"It's kinda sexy~" The orbs had no reaction.

Yashiro threw the doll out the open window. She sighed, Hanako was digging up the kokeshi doll since it looked like one of his prized possessions. Y/N was grabbing a square shaped bag, Yashiro looked over her shoulder and noticed the bag and walked up to Y/N. She tried to grab the bag yet, Y/N wouldn't let go. Yashiro tugged even harder and so did Y/N. Hanako turned around and saw the two of them tugging on the bag, Y/N's orbs began to glow and joining together slowly.

"Y/N-Chan- Don't!" He lunged at the two and stopped the tugging by taking the bag from the two. The glow from the orbs decreased.

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