𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑘𝑖 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠, 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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It was at the brink of dawn. Y/N and Hanako were on the rooftop. They stayed up together throughout the night, since apparitions don't need much sleep. They both admired the stars together, as they were slowly fading. The wind started to pick up. Y/N rushed over to the railing, as the familiar warm tingling feeling hit her skin. She smiled ever so happily. Hanako never has seen her smile as big as she is right now. He walked over to her, taking in the warmth as well. If it makes her happy, he would love it too. She looked over and giggled at him. Hanako turned a bright pink, yet it was faded by the brightness of the sun.

"Hey Hanako-kun," Y/N took Hanako's hand, "I'll show you a secret of mine!" She yanked him along with her, all the way down the stairs to the garden.

"The garden?" Hanako asked as Y/N let go of his arm, rushing over to a batch of healthy flowers. Hanako tried to act surprised as he has already had known about this secret of hers.

"Yes. The garden." Y/N crouch down to the batch of flowers. She turned her head to face Hanako and glared at him.

"Eheh.. not what I meant at all! The garden is.. cool." Hanako started sweating, scared of Y/N. Y/N turned to the flowers, and smiled oh so heavily.

"When I was alive, this garden was a lot more healthy than what it is now. It was so pretty. I would look after the garden during the summers." Y/N was finally talking about her past. Hanako was officially very intrigued in gardens. Suddenly, Hanako's head started hurting, he placed his hand on his head. Y/N looked over to him, and rushed to his side. He was becoming really light headed, he felt so faint.. his vision started going blurry as he fell to the ground.


山卂|..| 尺乇爪乇乃乇尺 |尺ㄥ ㄒ卄卂ㄒ ㄥㄖ 千ㄥㄖ山乇尺丂?

Hanako slowly woke up in a trance. In this trance he saw a short h/c haired girl in the garden, the leaves flourished over her where he couldn't get a good look at her. He tried to move but couldn't, he was stuck in one position. The only thing he could move was his head.

"Hanako-kun." A female voice called out, everything around in Hanako's trance started shaking.

"Hanako-kun.." The voice called again, now everything was breaking apart. Hanako looked back at the girl who was smelling the flowers, she turned her head halfway to him, he got a glance of her e/c orbs.

"Hanako-kun!" The voice once more, everything started fading.

Hanako snapped out of his trance and sat up. The first thing he saw was Y/N, she had tears in her eyes. He looked over to her.

"Y/N-Chan..?" Hanako touched his head, it was wrapped with a bandage. He noticed they were in the nurses office, he laid on a bed in there. "What happened?" Y/N pulled him into a tight hug.

"You just fell to the ground.." Y/N's eyes couldn't be seen by Hanako. Her eyelids were halfway open with an emotionless face, as she stuffed her face into his shoulder she hugged him tighter.

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