𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑘𝑖 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠, 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙.

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"Yashirooo-channn~ Wakey Wakey!" Y/N said as she nudged Yashiro gently. Slowly, she started opening her eyes.

"Is that you, Y/N-Chan...?" She turned and faced the owner of the voice, she whipped her eyes.

"Sureee is~!" Hanako wrapped his arms around Y/N as she waved her arm up.

"Thank goodness we made it back!" Yashiro sat up, "But where's Kou?"

"Right here.." Y/N dig into Hanako's pocket and pulled out a plush.

"Kou is that you?!" Yashiro yelled while she was in shock.

Y/N and Hanako pulled out a tissue, as a fake tear formed in their eye. "A true valiant hero who fought until the very end." They said in unison.

"He makes a really cute plushie." Yashrio stated as she rubbed Kou's head. "He'll be turned back to normal right? Aoi-chan and the others too?"

Y/N got up and walked towards Yako.
"I fully intend to have it taken care of, by her!" Yako jumped into Y/N's arms.

"Who's that?" Yashiro asked, as Y/N smiled at Yako.

"The real Misaki Stairs!" Y/N explained "Come on number two, let's apologize please?" Y/N asked, very politely. Yako sighed.

"I'm sorry, or whatever." She shrugged, Hanako pulled out his knife and started swaying it at Yako.

"Let's calm down Hanako-kun." Y/N forced his knife down. Hanako sighed and looked at her and then put it away.

"What's going to happen to everyone who was turned into dolls?" Yashiro asked putting her two index fingers together.

"I guess they'll all turn back to their old boring form come morning, I don't have much power left. They probably won't even remember me." Yako explained, Y/N looked down. She'll comfort her later.

"Oh thank god." Yashiro put her hand up to her chest as she let out a sigh of relief. Yashiro looked over to Yako whose ears were drooping. "Hey little fox?" Yashiro walked up to Y/N who was holding Yako. She pulled out a photo. Yako knew exactly what it was, and gasped. "Hey! I'm still mad at you and you're not forgiven. So don't get confused! You scared the heck out of me down there and I really thought Y/N-Chan was going to die again! But even though I had a very good reason I know that I broke something that was Important to you. I'm sorry for that." Yako took the photo from Yashiro, "Okay?" Yashiro put her hand up to her ear, and Yako instantly bit her hand. Yashiro screamed and whined in pain. Yako finally let go, and hopped out of Y/N's arms. "Ow..." Yashiro held her hand as some hairs on the top of her head stuck up.

"Do nothing caress my ear! You and I will never be friends!" Yako hopped away. Y/N sighed while Hanako walked up behind Yashiro. "By the way, I have a name and it's Yako. If you ever call me little fox again, I'll bite your hand off and eat it!" Yako then fled from the scene.

"Well.. I better get going and make sure I don't have rabies." Yashiro sighed as she got up. "Thanks for protecting me Y/N-chan, I really appreciate you keeping your promise." Yashiro waved goodbye to her two friends.


Y/N laid all her weight on a wall. She was completely exhausted.

"Watch out!" Hanako yelled as he floated over to her aid.

"I didn't realize how hard it would be protecting three people all at once. I'm exhausted." Y/N sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Good. Stay right there then!" Hanako ordered. Hanako put his hand against the wall and gave Y/N small kisses all around her face. Y/N stood there shocked. Then she started to giggle cause the kisses tickled.

"Ha-na-kooo stop! I can't breathe!" Y/N laughed her head off. Hanako only giggled with her in between kisses.

"This is a reward-" Hanako said before kissing her forehead, "For all your hard work today!" Then he kissed her cheek. he pulled away and stopped where Y/N could breathe, from all the laughter. "It's a charm to make you feel better!" Hanako smiled, as he tilted his head a bit to the side. His face was completely pink, yet the moonlight hid it.

"You're silly, you didn't need to kiss attack me like that to make me feel better!" Y/N gave him a closed eye smile. She looked at him and booped his nose with hers, before walking off.
Leaving the ghost boy to float behind her.


When they arrived at the bathroom she look in the mirror and her whole face was covered with protection charms. She slightly blushed, yet it faded away as the ghost boy entered as well. They both ended up on the windowsill together, sleeping ever so happily. Hanako was laid underneath Y/N who was sleeping on his chest. Hanako opened his eye and looked down at sight of Y/N laying on him. She gripped his uniform tighter as she moved a little bit over covering her face with his uniform. Hanako blushed intensely, as he played with her hair throughout the whole night.


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