𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑚 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑦, 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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The next day was very sunny, the warmth of the sun tingled through everyone's bodies. Y/N was with Hanako, they both missed one another and everything wasn't AS awkward anymore. Hanako and Y/N we're surrounded by Mokke, Hanako was holding a huge bag up while Y/N tied his little cloth cap. They both started walking around and rummaging. From the distance a certain exorcist was watching them, he found them both very suspicious. Y/N and Hanako both heard rustles from a distance. They both decided to investigate. Hanako and Y/N smiled mischievously, as Hanako poked Kou's face. Kou's eyes widened as he looked over to Hanako who was to the side of him.

"Whatcha doin'?" Y/N and Hanako asked Kou in unison.

"You're spying on us to see if we're doing anything bad?" Hanako asked as Y/N giggled. "You're skipping class, just for us. Such passion!" Hanako smiled cheeky as he wriggled around.

"It's not for you! I'm doing it to reveal your evil deeds!!" Kou sweatdropped as he pointed to Y/N and Hanako back and fourth. "Just give me that!" Kou rushed up to Hanako and stole the bag from him. Y/N and Hanako both put their hands up, innocently.

As Kou was looking through the bag, he found a; Haniwa clay figure, note book, text book, lunch box, and a pass case. Kou turned completely blue as he was caught off guard by it just being stolen goods.

"It's not what you think." Hanako stared down Kou, as he was having a moment. Y/N rushed to Hanako's side, as she put her head against his shoulder. She was a couple inches shorter than him, due to her dying before she could have her growth spurt.

"The Mokke took them!" Y/N beamed as a Mokke hopped into her arms. Y/N, Hanako, and Kou all walked to a fountain where they all sat down. Hanako was petting a Mokke in between their ears while Kou stared at him. Y/N gathered up all the items from before and put them back into the tied up bag.

"I had Yashiro change the rumor... but I still can't get 'em to shake their thieving habits." Hanako smiled as he stuck his legs out further while sitting, "So every once in a while, Y/N-chan and I will collect everything that seems valuable," Hanako dug out an item from the back, it was a book that is needed for school, "And take it all back to their owners."

"The Mokke like to hide all their trophies all over the place, so Hanako-kun and I are looking everywhere." Y/N sighed, as the Mokke cheered at the thought of stealing items.

"Geez, you guys..." Kou sweatdropped, as he pulled the cheeks of a Mokke at was sitting in his lap.

"Well.. It's always been their nature." Hanako and Y/N looked over to him.

"Cut them some slack.." Y/N giggled, as she put her hand in front of her mouth. This mumbled her loud giggles. Hanako stood up as he offered Y/N his hand, she laid her hand on his and he helped her up. Hanako then, turned to Kou.

"So hey, kid." Kou looked over to Hanako, "Could you do me a little favor?"

"Huh?" Kou replied.

"Over there." Hanako pointed to a tall building, "Is something stuck up there?" Hanako asked as he was holding two Mokke in one arm, Y/N walked to Hanako's side, as she too, tried to look.

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