𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑒

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Y/N was on the roof observing Yashiro as she went on her daily activities, she wanted to make she she wasn't affected by anything that happened. She smiled, while Yashiro was doing perfectly fine.   Y/N walked back into the school. Yako was awaiting her return.

"Ah, hello Yako-san!!" Y/N rushed up to her side, and crouched down.

"Y/N-chan! Let's have a girls day!" Yako insisted that they went and did each other hair and talked about boys etc.

"Okay, fine! At the end I wanna show you my flowers I've been growing though, i'm really proud of them!" Y/N agreed on one condition.

"Okay, okay.. sounds good. As long as my paws don't get muddy." Yako muttered, as she agreed to the condition

"I'll carry you, if you don't want your paws getting muddy." Y/N sighed as her friend was very high maintenance.

"I'll go tell Hanako-kun i'm not going to be there. I'm sure he'll let me go, due to the fact I need a day off after protecting Kou-kun, Yashiro-chan and Hanako-kun from YOU." Y/N glared.

"Eheh.." Yako sweatdropped, Y/N bid her goodbye as she left to go meet up with her boss.


Y/N floated into the bathroom, Hanako instantly pounced on her, his legs and arms were wrapped around her.

"Y/N-chan! I missed you!" Hanako confessed as he hugged her tighter. Y/N giggled as she rubbed his back, in comfort. Soon enough, Hanako got off.

"Hey Hanako-kun, do you think I could have today off? Yako-san wants to have a girls day with me!" Y/N asked Hanako, when she stated 'girls day' he questioned what that meant.

"What are you going to be doing on this.. 'girls day'.." Hanako floated over pouting like a child.

"Well, we're going to do many things! Include talking about 'boys'," Y/N quoted Yako on the boys part. "She's silly, I don't have time for boys." Y/N stated as she put on her cleaning outfit and picked up all her cleaning supplies and started mopping away near a wall

"Oh, you 'don't have time for boys'?You have time for me though, and I'm a boy?" Hanako stated, as he trapped Y/N against the wall. Y/N was in shock, her mouth was open and her eyes widened at the sudden force.

"Ha-Hanako-kun.." Y/N looked into his amber eyes, how they were filled with lust.. she couldn't look away no matter how bad she wanted to. Her heart started rapidly beating. Hanako started at Y/N's lips, he started to lean closer to her face. He felt as if there lips were magnets, he was only focusing on her lips as Y/N just stared at Hanako not knowing what to do.

"Y/N-Chan! Time to go!" Yako came hopping into the bathroom. She paused at the sight she saw. Y/N and Hanako looked at each other, then slowly at Yako.
"I can come back another time...." Yako turned around and hopped out of the bathroom.

"Ah! I'm coming Yako-san!" Y/N raised her hand at Yako, Hanako sighed and put his head down, then put both of his hands down for Y/N to run to Yako. She quickly took her cleaning supplies off. Y/N rushed towards the doorway, then stopped. "Hey, Hanako-kun?" She didn't turn back around.

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