4~ Kyoshi

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(Y/n) studied Katara as she carefully sewed Sokka's ripped pants. (Y/n) was never taught how to sew, and she didn't know when she'd get another chance to learn. Katara gave (Y/n) a scrap piece of fabric to practice on. She stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth in concentration as she tried to mimic Katara's movement through the fabric.

"How is this looking?" (Y/n) held up the mangled piece of fabric, loosely sewn together in different parts. She flashed a bright smile at Katara, hoping for a good response.

"Well... it's definitely a start!" Katara chirped, giving her an awkward smile before returning back to Sokka's pants.

(Y/n) looked back at her handiwork. She wasn't going to be fixing anyone's clothing anytime soon.

She had no idea where Aang was planning on taking them. When he said their destination was near water, it got a classic sarcastic response from Sokka as he stared at their surroundings. "I guess we're getting close then." Nothing but ocean as far as they could see.

(Y/n) gave up on her sewing attempt, and leaned on the saddle to face Aang. Momo fetched some marbles from the inside of Aang's shirt, then he turned to her.

"Hey (Y/n), check out this airbending trick!" He clasped his hands together, and opened them up to reveal the marbles spinning between his hands. He had a huge grin plastered on his face as he waited for a response.

"That's so cool Aang! When did you figure out how to do that?" (Y/n) said, actually pretty excited about the trick.

"Monk Gyatso taught me all kinds of cool airbending tricks. I'll try and show you some more!" Aang replied, still spinning the marbles between his hands. "Hey Katara!"

"Check out what Aang's doing!" (Y/n) nudged Katara softly to try and get her attention.

"That's great Aang." She replied, not even looking up from the pants.

Aang looked disappointed as she totally missed the trick, and complimented him when he wasn't even doing it. (Y/n) turned back to her fabric, flipping it over in her hands. How did Katara make it look so easy?

"Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing." Sokka waves off Aang's attempt to impress Katara.

Katara and (Y/n) turn to Sokka, both of their eyes narrowed at him.

"What does us being girls have to do with sewing?" Katara asks, stopping her steady threading.

"Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting, fighting, stuff like that." Sokka explains. "It's just the natural order of things."

"Fine. I'll let (Y/n) finish sewing your pants then!" Katara smiles. She tosses the pants to (Y/n), who then throws her mangled piece of fabric to Sokka.

Sokka doesn't look too bothered until he sees the absolute mess in front of him. "Wait, I was just kidding! You can't let her sew my pants! Katara, please!" he begged, swaying the fabric at Katara.

"Too late! Already getting started!" (Y/n) says playfully, already threading her needle through his pants. She tried not to look at a half naked Sokka sitting in front of her.

"Relax, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants!" Aang announces.

(Y/n) gives the pants back to Katara, who quickly finishes sewing them up before they land on an island.

Sokka protests the pit stop, but with the delayed help of Appa, Aang convinces the three of them to stay.

"Look!" Aang gasps. A huge koi fish breaches from the water. "That's why we're here, elephant koi. I'm gonna ride it! Katara, you've gotta watch me!" Aang quickly undresses, stumbling over his clothes out of excitement.

Water in Your Hands [1] (Sokka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now