7~ Roku's Temple

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(Y/n)'s eyes flutter open with the small creaks of the wooden floor. She peers into the darkness to see Aang trying his best to leave the room quietly. As the small boy leaves the room, (Y/n) crawls out of her sleeping bag to a window to see Aang tugging on Appa's reigns.

"Let's go, Appa. Come on, boy." Aang struggles with the reigns, his voice straining as he pulls. Appa groans and sits down. "Look, i'm sorry, but Katara, (Y/n), and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, i'd never forgive myself. So get your big butt off the ground and let's go!" Aang pulled harder on the reigns.

"Going somewhere?" (Y/n) said cheekily, from the top of Appa's head. (Y/n) had climbed up Appa from the back, where Aang couldn't see her. The surprise of seeing her, and the stubbornness of Appa made him topple to the ground.

"I think his big butt is trying to tell you something." Sokka and Katara had appeared next to Appa, seemingly awoken by Aang who really hadn't tried to be quiet anymore.

"Please don't go, Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation." Katara says. "Neither can I." She looks worried.

Aang looks down with guilt, until he remembers why he tried to leave without them. "But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the solstice. That's today!" He hops up to Appa's head, forgetting that (Y/n) had already made herself comfortable up there.

"We're not letting you go to the Fire Nation Aang." (Y/n) says, with a serious tone in her voice. She hadn't used that tone with Aang, and it scared him for a second.

"At least, not without your friends. We've got your back." Sokka adds.

"Yeah, you didn't think you'd be able to go into the Fire Nation without the one person who's actually been to the Fire Nation, right?" (Y/n) says, patting Aang's back. He smiles up at her, and she knew that she had his full trust.

(Y/n) goes back to their room to quickly pack up their stuff. It was still dark, but she could make out their supplies in the dim moonlight. She feels someone's presence behind her, and she quickly turns her head to see who was there. She sees Sokka, arms crossed and leaning one shoulder on the doorframe.

"Nervous about going back?" He asks.

(Y/n) shrugs and turns back to the sleeping bags. "Not really. I don't think Aang plans on staying there for too long." That was a lie. She was so nervous.

Nervous someone would spot her, recognize her. Know her as the girl who had left with Zuko on his mission. As the girl who was the youngest person to ever be a part of the Yuyan Archers. Nervous that someone would be able to smell the Fire Nation blood that coursed through her veins.

Her hands were shaky as she messily rolled up the last bag. "Ready?" She asks, standing up and carrying the four rolls under her arms.

Sokka nods. She could feel his eyes searching her for any sign of uneasiness. Any sign of a lie.

She interrupts him before he can scan her any further, and throws two packs at him, throwing off his balance. She snickers, and books it to Appa before he can strike back.

She climbs onto the saddle, squealing as he runs after her. She plops down onto the saddle, and blows a raspberry in his direction. "I win."

"Because you got a head start!" He whines. He mumbles 'cheater' under his breath, but she didn't care. Her worries had been lessened by one playful moment, but she her fears took over as Appa ascended into the night sky.

(Y/n) continued her staring off at the world below them as the sun rose, and they were flying over the ocean. She didn't like being so mopey, but she couldn't fight how she felt, no matter how hard she tried. She knew Sokka could see how she was feeling.

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