5~ Krystal King

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(Y/n)'s shoulder had managed to heal pretty quickly during their time spent travelling. Katara tried everything she could to speed up the healing. Since (Y/n) was still in her Fire Nation clothes, Katara offered her spare Water Tribe clothes as to not raise any suspicion. Spirits bless that sweet girl. (Y/n) could move it around and swing her arm with little to no pain, and she was back to slinging her weapon whenever she felt like it. Sokka didn't like when she brought out her arrows to sharpen them, to practice her aim, or really anything to do with her weaponry.

Still cautious around her.

The two of them still hadn't made amends with each other, avoiding conversation if possible. She didn't like the tension between them, she wanted to tear down the stone wall that towered between her and a connection with Sokka. Every time she felt something repair in their relationship, it was torn apart again.

She glanced at Sokka, who was walking on the other side of Katara as Aang led the three of them to a hilltop. He either didn't notice, or did, and didn't care enough to return the glance.

"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!" Aang presented, arms wide as they saw the brilliant city, with towering mountain-like structures on a large platform. "I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi!"

The three of them wowed at the city. "They have buildings here that don't melt!" Sokka said, wide-eyed.

"Let's go, slowpokes! The real fun is inside the city." Aang jumped up and started to slide down the hill, until Katara realized he looked too suspicious. They thoight up a disguise, using Appa's shedding fur as a moustache and wig for the boy. He tucked Momo im his faux hair, and used his staff as a cane. "Now let's get to skippin', young whippersnappers. The big city awaits!" Aang said, putting on an old man voice.

They walked the pathway to Omashu's entranceway, which was guarded by Earth Kingdom soldiers. A mans rotten cabbages were thrown off the pathway and into the canyon below as they walked up.

"State your business." One soldier demanded, holding a rock above Aang's head.

Aang ran out from under the rock. "My business is my business young man, and none of yours!" he pointed his tiny finger up to the muck larger mans chest. "I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!"

(Y/n) ducked her face behind Katara's shoulder, and Katara turned her face away from the soldiers as they both tried to stop their giggles.

The soldier asked for their names, and she could barely understand what Aang had said. Katara seemed to understand the surname perfectly, as she introduced herself. 'Pippinpaddleopsocopolis' or something ridiculous like that. (Y/n) and Sokka stayed back, with curious looks on their faces.

Their lie seemed to fool the soldiers as they were welcomed into the city.

"Wait a minute!"

(Y/n) froze in place, quickly turning to Sokka as a soldier flipped him around to face him.

"You're a strong young man. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfathers bag!"

(Y/n) let out a shaky breath. They hadn't been found out.

"Good idea!" Aang said, throwing his bag at Sokka, who begrudgingly took it.

They were allowed into the city, and just as the last wall closed behind them, Monk's ears popped out of Aang's wig. (Y/n) quickly patted his ears down before she thought anyone could see.

Before them was a busy city, with chutes winding all over the place, between houses and shops.

"This is the Omashu delivery system. Miles and miles of tubes and chutes." Aang says. He explains how their package system works, all thanks to trust earthbending and gravity. "My friend Bumi found a better use for these chutes."

Water in Your Hands [1] (Sokka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now