Chapter 20

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No matter how many times we explained it to Louis' mother, she still didn't understand. Maybe Niall could have explained it better, but he was on strict bed rest. I didn't want him to move. I had never thought of wizards having more than one heart.

I owed every I had to Niall, in including Louis. I felt like I would never be able to repay Niall for anything he had done for me.

"But now do you believe me?" Louis had asked Harry that question a million times. Harry kept shaking his head. I wasn't sure if he couldn't wrap his head around magic, or if he was just stubborn.

Louis' mother didn't understand it at all. She kept asking questions that even I couldn't answer. Louis kept saying "Mother, that's not important."

Well all ended up frustrated and decided to reconvene in the morning. I followed Louis through the halls. He wasn't saying anything. I watched as he slowly gained color again.

He walked quickly ahead of me. I tripped on my dress, which made him turn around. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"You're so clumsy." He said, trying to keep a straight face. I couldn't think of anything sarcastic to say, so I let him ignore me.

He opened one of the doors on the left and led me inside. It was a room nearly identical to the one I stayed in last time I was here. He closed the door behind us.

"I know you're worried about your family." He said, changing his clothes. I turned around so I couldn't see him.

"I am, obviously." I shrugged, staring at the wall. "But, your brother hasn't killed anyone yet. So I know they're safe for now."

"I can convince him to release them." He put his hand on my shoulder. It was a light touch, but he was almost not there. There was a reason it was almost like he was missing. His clothes were thicker than he was. I could still partially see through Louis.

"He will in time." I said. "We can't push Harry. He likes to believe he's brighter than the rest of us."

Louis nodded in agreement.

"You're here now, though." I said. "I thought I was going to lose you."

Louis hated intimate moments, so he said "No, Thorn. I'm invincible. I am the unkillable."

I laughed a little and let him believe that. I left the room and went to the one across the hall. Louis said I could stay in it. He said no one had stayed in it since Harry's grandma died ten years ago.

I changed into a nightgown that a maid brought for me. I wrapped myself in a robe and laid on the bed.

It felt like hours had passed. I was convinced the sun would pour through the window at any moment. It made me miss my home. I missed the little cottage and my walks to the bakery with my sister. I missed sweeping the floors and meeting everyone from town.

I had a new life now, which caused anarchy and death. The code that I thought existed turned out to be nothing but a sham. I dragged everyone into it with me. Laura would have never done that.

Now, Aberlane had taken my friends to safe distance, Louis was half dead, Niall was weak, and the prince was trying to kill my family. I had no idea where Mingley went. Medusa was dead. I felt like I failed both kingdoms.

I couldn't sleep. It was too quiet. I opened the door and walked around the castle in my nightgown. It was very scandalous, but I didn't care. No one was awake.

I wanted to check on Niall, but I couldn't remember where his room was. After a while, I couldn't even remember where mine was. Every hall and room looked exactly the same in the dark.

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