Chapter 17

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"No!" I screamed. I patted the ground here Louis was. "No, no. Don't be dead. Don't be dead." It was already dark, so I couldn't see too well. But the tears in my eyes made it even harder.

"What a pity." A soft, female voice said. "He was so handsome." A small light glowed from a staff the lady was holding. She held it up to her face.

"Eva." I whispered.

"Shame he had to die." She stabbed the ground with her staff in the place where Louis died. "That stone was meant for you."

"You planned this?" I choked.

"Well, I didn't want to kill him this way. I meant to kill you, obviously. You're such a blind little girl. You'll believe anything." She lifted my chin with her staff. "What a pity he loved you." She shook her head. "You could've spared him."

I wiped my eyes, pushing her staff away from me.

"You could've died, and all of this would be over." She picked up the jewel and blew on it. The glow from the stone dwindled until it went out completely. "No one would have believed a thief, or his friends. No one would believe your sailor friend was the son of a wizard. And, even if they did, would they listen to him after his father burned down a forest?"

"You killed my friend." I stood up. "I should kill you too."

"Oh I didn't kill your friend." She slowly tapped her fingers on the crystal in her staff. "I destroyed him. Although, I meant that for you. I need you gone. But, if you want, try and kill me, my dear!"

"With what?" I knew I had weapons in my satchel, but I didn't want her to know that.

She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. A sword appeared in my hands.

"Have at me!" She held up her hands. I lunged at her but she vanished and appeared behind me.

"Fight me like a warrior, you coward!" I yelled. I was filled with adrenaline and grief from Louis suddenly dying. I pointed the sword at her.

She pointed her staff at me. "Oh, child, you have no idea what you're asking for." The crystal in her staff started to glow. "Want me to shoot you with lightning again?"

"Try me." I growled.

Lightning shot out of her staff. I ducked and dodged the lightning. I hit my head on the ground. Eva laughed. Vines began to shoot out of the ground. I quickly stood up.

"Fight, child! I am not afraid of you!"

"I am not afraid of you either!" I yelled. I lunged at her again, but a vine wrapped around my ankle. I fell to the ground again, losing the sword in the process. Eva stood over me as the vines wrapped around my body.

"This is what you get for being half-human. You're all weak. I won't kill you now. It would be such a shame for you not to watch the village burn." The bottom of her staff started to press on the back of my hand. She slid it across my hand, leaving a large scratch. I started to bleed. Eva turned to leave, still laughing. The vines started to fall back into the ground.

"You could've killed me so many times." I wiped the dirt off my clothes.

"True, but I need to destroy you."

"What do you mean?" I clenched my injured hand. I tried to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Oh, you want the entire story? Fine then." A chair grew up out of the ground made of vines and  flowers. "Story time, I  guess. Death can be reversed."

I blinked. "What?" If death could be reversed, then maybe Louis could return.

"One spell, and all my work would be undone." She snapped her fingers. "However, if there's no body, and thus, no spirit, then how can you be brought back?" She put her chin in the palm of her hand.

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