Chapter 19

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I pounded on the dungeon door. I refused to let them use me as bait for a dead man. I wanted to get out. I wanted to save Niall.

"Would you stop?" He begged me. "You're giving me a migrane."

"I'm sorry." I said. "I just want to get out of here." I said in-between punches. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead.

We weren't in the same prison cell that I was in before. It looked like the one Mort and Beanstalk had been held in.

Punching the door was the only thing keeping me sane. Niall was chained to the ground, so he couldn't get up to stop me.

I knew it was only a matter of time before he and I were sent up for execution. I just didn't know who would be first, and I prayed it was me. If I went up first, maybe I could convince Harry to help me.

I didn't have the heart to tell him about his brother. He wouldn't care. He wanted to kill him anyway. If he used me as bait, then that kept me alive. There was no Louis to take down, and as long as he didn't know that, I was fine.

My hand was bleeding from the punching. Niall could've done something about that too if his hands weren't shackled. I pressed my other hand down on it. I sat next to Niall, trying to avoid thoughts of inevitability.

Niall stayed silent, with his eyes closed. He was breathing deeply, so I figured he was asleep. I didn't talk. I didn't want to bother him. I laid my head on his leg. He didn't seem to mind. His leg was boney, so it wasn't the best head rest.

Not that I had much time to rest. A guard opened the door. He walked in and grabbed me tightly. Another guard tried to grab Niall. Niall didn't move. He was unresponsive.

"I think this one's dead, Tobias." The guard said to the one holding me.

"We just picked him up." Tobias said. "Poke him or somethin'."

The guard poked Niall's cheek, but again Niall didn't move.

"No, look, PeQue. He's breathin'." Tobias pointe at Niall's stomach. I sighed in relief. He's alive.

"Should I still take him up there? I mean, he's sleeping. I don't think I should disturb him." PeQue obviously wasn't the sharpest knife.

"Just carry him with us." Tobias started to drag me farther way from the dungeon. Once again, I was seeing light. Sunshine is a very bright thing when you've been underground for so long. You feel like you're going to go blind just by standing outside. You could be in the shade, or even a blizzard, but you feel like you would go blind.

Tobias and PeQue took me and Niall to the middle of the village. A large wooden stage had been built just for us. There were two stakes next to each other.

"One for you." Tobias said. "Other for the wizard."

In my head, I was begging Niall to wake up and use some of his powers. How could he sleep through all of this? I knew I couldn't.

Niall and I were dragged on stage. Harry stood in between the stakes, watching as the guards tied us to them. I could hear other soldiers making a fire behind me.

"Good morning, Faraley." Harry said to me. "Did you sleep well?"

"Is that a sarcastic question?" I asked him.

"Oh, fire in your voice. I'll take that as a no." He turned his back on me and looked at Niall. "Your friend is asleep? Interesting." He lifted Niall's head. "I've never executed a sleeping person before."

I didn't reply. I was tied up now. What chance did I have at living? Unless Eva decided now to strike down the village, I could maybe escape.


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