Chapter 9

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I had my doubts, of course.

Could we do this?

Louis said we could, but I was starting to wonder how much truth was in that statement.

We hiked through the woods. I hadn't seen any sign of our village, so I had feeling Eva had something to do with it.

We stopped by a river to get a drink and take a break.

I heard a loud thumping sound. The ground started to shake.

In the distance, I could see a large, gray tide.

It was the cavalry.

They ran right past us.

"Wow." Louis said. "You'd think they would've seen this band of misfits."

"You'd think." I said.

"Morons..." Mingley mumbled.

"No one else finds it odd that the cavalry is out?" I asked. "Did the gang get into trouble?" I asked Louis.

He shrugged. "It wouldn't surprise me."

I heard the loud shrieking again and all of a sudden the cavalry ran back, in the direction they came.

We all watched them run, but then they turned and started running right for us.

"Uh oh." I said. "Time to run!"

We started moving our feet, but the cavalry was much quicker, obviously.

They rode their horses in front of us.

"Why are you running?" One asked.

I quickly put my dress over Mingley. No one could know about dwarves and elves yet.

"No reason." I lied.

"Faraley?" One of the knights dismounted his horse.

"Oh, Liam!" I almost ran over to him, but I had Mingley under my dress.

"Why are you in the woods?" Liam asked.



I smiled, nervously. "Well, that is a very good question. Louis, would you like to explain?"

Louis' eyes widened. He obviously didn't have an answer, but he was so good at lying, I trusted him to do it again.

"Nature walk." Niall said. "Faraley is my...Childhood friend. She was just showing me the...uh...delightful woods. Don't get to see trees much, being a sailor."

Liam still wasn't convinced. "And who are these other men?"

"Zayn and Louis. Other friends." Niall said.

Liam nodded. "Ok. Well, Faraley, would you like an escort back?"

"I thought you were running from that noise." I said.

"What noise?"

The shrieking rang out again. The ground started to shake.

Liam and the other knights drew their swords. A few trees toppled over in the distance.

I saw a large hand crash down, causing the earth to move.

I started panicking.

There was a dragon. A real dragon.

"Holy-" Was all Liam could get in. The dragon turned to us and yelled.

"Move! Move move move!" Louis grabbed my hand. He wasn't about to waste any time. Even humans knew dragons were not good news.

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