Chapter 2

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"Th-their lives?" I choked. "Is it that bad?"

"I'm afraid so." Princess Eva said. "Don't let other people get involved." And then she whispered "Beware."

A cloud of smoke enveloped her and she was gone.

"Ok. What was that about?" I asked Mingley. "How come this hasn't happened to Laura!"

"She isn't a part of the Fairy Code!" Mingley said.

"What? She's my sister! She's half elf too!"

"Yes, but she gave up her right to be a part of The Fairy Kingdom when she was younger."

"You can do that?"

"When you insult a king, yes."

"So what do I do? Do I keep lying? And what about Liam? And Prince Harry? What's going to happen to them!"

"Faraley, I know you're worried. If it makes you feel better, you're only partially to blame."

I stared at him. "No that doesn't help! Two people are already involved."

"You chose them to be involved."


Mingley sighed. "By having a significant encounter. People in the stores, that's no big deal. Saying hi to people on streets, whatever."

"What about the guy I nearly threw off his horse?"

"Did he give you his name?"


"There ya go. You need a name and a significant encounter. Like meeting a prince and lying to him. Or having a knight save you from death."

"So...What can I do?"


I started walking home.

Everything Mingley and Princess Eva said frightened me. I dragged Prince Harry and Sir Liam into something so tragic. I felt terrible. What challenges would they face? I needed to know!

I made it back to the bakery, just as Laura and Father were closing.

"There you are!" Laura said. "Did you get it?"

I handed her the engagement ring.

"Oh, Faraley! You're a life saver!" She hugged me.

"Since you were gone so long though, you can clean up." Father handed me a broom and the key to the store.

"See you at home!" Laura said. They left. I lit some more candles and started sweeping.

I just wanted to forget what Princess Eva told me.

"I fear for their lives" echoed through my mind.

Their lives.

It's all my fault. Their lives were being toyed with.

I bent down to pick up some stuff on the ground. Then, something came flying through the window.

I screamed. I stood up with the broom in hand.

"I'm not afraid to use a weapon!" I yelled.

A dirty boy stood around shattered glass.

"Well, looks like you protect your store better around this time." He chuckled.

"I will use this." I said.

"Yes. Please, sweep me to death." He laughed again.

"Humorous? I will pulverize you!"

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