Chapter 45: We Meet Again, Dimension Traveler

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"Is anyone in here?" A voice called out as Lucas' door opened.

Lucas instantly sat up. He was surprised to hear such a familiar voice A familiar voice that he hated so much.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The wizard asked as he stood up. "White Mutt?"

Ijekiel rolled his eyes. "Same goes to you, Sir Lucas."

"This is my house, you dumbass."

"You're not trapped? The door had a strong seal that only few could break."

"Trapped? What am I, a weakling?" he snapped.

Ijekiel simply sighed and leaned back on the door frame. "I am simply asking, Sir Lucas. Perhaps you were kidnapped? Or imprisoned? If so, please tell me."

Lucas could feel his veins throbbing. "Piss off, Alpheus. I am not kidnapped, nor am I imprisoned. Heck, what are you even doing here? You're trespassing!"

"There have been reports of strange whereabouts in the North Barriers. I came to confirm it." he confessed. "also because I want to see Anastasius."

Anastasius? Lucas paused at the name.

He's met the man a few times now. Every time Pandora held a meeting, Anastasius would always be there. He had slid jet black hair, and he always wore the fanciest suits. Not to mention, he looked a hell like Claude.

Of course, Lucas already knew Claude and Anastasius were related. But.....

"Why would you want to meet him? He's never left the castle for a few weeks now."

Ijekiel approached Lucas. He sat down on a chair.

"What has he been doing these past few weeks, Lucas?"

Lucas could remember it clearly. They spent all nighters on the rooftop with plenty of potions to mix and match. He didn't know what they were doing, but it looked dangerous.

"They've been mixing a potion of sorts--- I couldn't understand but they always talked about portals and dimensions."

"What?" Ijekiel's eyes widened.

Lucas shrugged. "I dunno. It might be a codename for their mission, though. Don't think too much into it. The potion's harmless."

Ijekiel then stood up and started pacing around the room. He's read about dimensions and portals, and he's heard of Jennette talking about it too. It was the Hawks' big agenda.

"Lucas-- Lucas! Dimensions, portals, don't you think it's real?!" He grabbed the other's shoulder and shook it violently.

"That's---" Lucas tried to reply. "that's bullshit, Alpheus. Portals are for teleportation."

"They're using it to go to another dimension!"

Lucas stopped Ijekiel.

"You're fucking insane. They don't have any use for other dimensions, because there's no other than ours."

Ijekiel looked at Lucas straight in the eye.

"You don't understand, Lucas. They're using it to transport something, or someone, to another place. Far away from here, and they've locked you here for that reason!"

Lucas stopped. 'They've locked you here for that reason'.

That thought lingered on his mind again and again.

Hundreds of years ago, he was also locked in this tower. Moments before Pandora eradicated the Great Empress, she convinced Lucas to stay here and sleep. And look where that led him--- a timeskip of a hundred years and the Empire anew.

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