Chapter 24: To Fight or To Make Peace?

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"We will be having our closing ceremony shortly." he stated. "May we call on the Top Three of this year's Hunt to come up on stage!"

The "stage" wasn't something you'd expect.

This stage wasn't the one used for the opening ceremony. No, no. This time, it was held in another place. A huge one. Wherein even commoners could attend.

Because, after all, the closing ceremony was way more important than the opening, right?

It was a bit far, though. All the participants were gathered in a different area. And, it was here— in the said camp. However, the true venue for the announcement was to be held in an arena.

You read that right— arena.

The host, from earlier, was now in the said arena. He only managed to announce that through the speakers. Everyone else— the ladies, other nobles, even commoners— were now in the arena. All that was left were the participants.

The other eliminated participants also followed. They made their way to the arena through some transportation area in the camp. It was powered by mana. One zap, and you'd be transported to the venue.

Of course, everyone else was lined up to the transportation area. It was a real long line. Literally.

Athanasia didn't want to cut in line though. She didn't want to use her mana either. She wanted to wait for her turn, like the rest of them. So, she did. And, she managed to convince Ijekiel and Nicolai too.

It took them around 30 minutes or so. And, coincidentally, they were the last ones to enter the transportation area.

They were zapped to the middle of the gladiator-like arena. They were in the center-grounds, where every other participant was also gathered.

"Holy shit." was the first thing Athanasia said when they arrived at the said arena. It was like in the books, wherein the men would fight gladiators. And, the sun was hot. It even gave them the true atmosphere of those in the movies.

The thing that caught Athanasia's attention was the crowd though.

When they entered, the crowd went wild.

They were surrounded by everyone. The nobles, who sat in the very front with their fancy fans and glasses. And the commoners, who sat in the higher parts. The whole arena was packed. It was like a fully-booked concert for some band.

Everyone was cheering. Their shouts loud as ever. And, Athanasia could feel the adrenaline in her veins.

This. This was what she wanted. The people's voice. The people's attention.

"You fine there, Athy?" Nicolai nudged her lightly.

Athanasia snapped out of her thoughts. "I am" she faced him. "I'm just... overwhelmed." she gestured to the crowd. This was her first time.

Nicolai smiled. But... it was a bit odd, though. This was also his first time experiencing the closing ceremony to be held in an arena. It never happened before, as far as he knew.

"Me too," he confessed. "This is the first time that's ever happened... I think?"

Ijekiel, meanwhile, gulped in disbelief. He knew what this meant all too well. He studied this in his school— their History Class. And... it just made him nervous.

"T-this has happened before, actually."

Both Athanasia and Nicolai got surprised. Really? This has happened before?

The young man bit his lip. "I have read that this only happens in special cases," he gestured to the arena. "Special cases such as—"

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