Chapter 6: One Hell Of A Boat Ride

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"Step away from her." an all too familiar voice said all of a sudden.

I pulled away from the hug, facing the direction from where the voice came from. I raised an eyebrow, slowly glancing at the figure. Wait... wait, no. This can't be. No, no no, no. I gulped, feeling my hands tremble. Why has it come to this? I don't want to die just yet. I could feel my hands sweating, my breath shaky. Was Claude using his mana on me?

"Y-Your Majesty!" Nicolai greeted, and gestured for the knights to kneel. They all did, and I decided to follow because I didn't want to die. I knelt with one knee, a hand fisted on my heart. I could hear my heart beating fast. I was nervous as hell. I did everything on my part for me and Claude not to meet at my 9th Birthday. And now? He was here. It sounds like I can't avoid my deadly fate, after all.

I looked down on the ground, taking deep breaths. I heard footsteps approaching, and I was met with a white cloth in front of me. Oh my god, don't tell me— "Raise your head, damn wench."

That fucking voice. I hated it, so much.

I clenched my fists, my teeth gritting. My nervousness was still there, I admit. But it was slowly being consumed by anger. How dare this— this man call me wench when I've done nothing wrong? I took a deep breath yet again, stabilizing my thoughts. Calm down. He's just a character from a novel, and he obviously has issues. I raised my head slowly.

"You call that raising your head? Pathetic." He snapped at me. I then felt a hand on my chin, tugging it forcefully to make me look up to him. He stared at me with his deadly gaze, his eyes piercing through my soul. He was crouching down a bit, and I could feel his breath on my face. He studied my features, and I couldn't help but close my eyes. God, help me.

I then felt his hand move up, now on both sides of my cheeks. He turned my face on both sides. What was he doing? Damn weirdo. "Open your eyes." Claude said sternly. I complied, and I was met with his deadly gaze again. Was he planning on what to do with my eyes after killing me?

I felt everyone's stare on us. They were still kneeling, but I felt so weak. I felt like my knees would give in any second now. I was so tired. Doesn't Claude have any pity for a 12 year old girl? And for his daughter? I thought silently. Probably not.

It's been a good minute or two, and he's still staring at me, a bit too close for my personal space. Trust me, I don't mind handsome men staring at me, except for this one. Because first of all, this guy is a sadistic killer. And second, he's supposed to be my dad. Not that I see him as a dad. If anything, I see Felix as a dad, or a mom. I don't know. But he was very caring of me, next to Lily.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a breath on my ear. It was Claude's. My eyes widened. "Join me for a boat ride," he whispered softly. I flinched, trying to get away from his grip. He seems to notice this, and held me more tightly. "Join me or I'll kill everyone in here."

What the fuck? What in the actual hell is wrong with him?

This guy— this guy knew how to get on my nerves. Of course, if you were normal, you'd think that he was joking. But I wasn't normal, and neither was he. He probably meant it when he'd kill everyone. I bit my lip, his face still beside mine. Seems like I don't have a choice.

"Of course, Your Majesty." I replied, trying to sound mature and not nervous as possible. The last thing I wanted was for Claude to see me scared of him. But I pretty much blew that up; I looked like a trembling puppy right now.

A few seconds later, he let go of my face and pushed me away. This dickhead.. His push took me by surprise, but I managed to regain balance with support from my knee. He then smirked at me and turned around. "Felix, don't follow us." I heard him say as he started walking away.

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