Chapter 41: A Business Collaboration Between a Previous Emperor and a Witch

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Lucas, much to his dismay, joined along with Pandora and Anastasius' little meeting. They were gathered in the spacious living room. It was decorated with velvet sofas and gothic black candles. Everything looked elegant yet so dark. Only few candles were lit, giving the atmosphere a bit off a night vibe, despite it being morning.

The handsome man sat across the mother and son duo. He had a cup of tea at hand, one he checked multiple times to see if there was poison. (there wasn't) The tea was Earl Grey; one of his favorites and requested in the past--- when he was Emperor. It brought back memories; good ones. The blood bath he caused, and the multiple harems he had back at the Ruby Palace.

The life Anastasius de Alger Obelia had was perfect. Perfect. His stupid younger brother just had to kill him.

"Regarding this proposal of yours," Pandora air-quoted the word proposal. "exactly what do I benefit from it? And what makes it foolproof, hm?"

"Proposal? I'd like to see it as more of a collaboration, Lady Pandora."

The witch hummed in agreement. She just wanted to see what Anastasius' intentions were and what she could gain from him. "Proposal, collaboration, whatever you call it. Just tell me what makes it better than me working alone to eradicate the throne."

Lucas could feel himself gulp. The last time he heard those words from his mother were a thousand years ago; when she'd plan to overthrow Empress Victoria all by herself. Along with a hand or two of Dark Magic.

"Mom... mom, w-where are you going?" The young wizard had a teddy bear plush at hand; one Pandora made herself without any magic whatsoever. He held it tightly, as if his life depended on it. The teddy bear plush was practically his life; he always had it with him wherever he went.

Her son wore a wizard cloak that reached a bit too long for his short height. Lucas was only five years old--- he was the epitome of cuteness.

Pandora bit her lip, unable to deny her guilt of leaving her son yet again. . Lucas--- oh her sweet little boy. She didn't want to leave him again. Lucas was the only person she cherished ever since she was sent to this world. He was her treasure.

"Mommy just needs to take care of work with Aunt Tori."

That's what Pandora called Victoria in front of Lucas. Empress Victoria was surprisingly accepting Lucas-- even treated him as her own. And Lucas was always happy when he was with the Empress. She acted like a second mother.

"... but y-you've been home for an hour after three days..." the boy looked away. This caused Pandora to kneel down in front of her son. She held his cheeks softly, forcing him to look at her. Lucas just pouted, a sad frown appearing in his lips. "and it gets scary all alone in the house, mom."

Pandora sighed. "Didn't I send over a few helpers to take care of you?"

The so-called helpers were just a bunch of garden gnomes that Pandora turned alive. She just used dash of simple magic and such; just enough to make them wholesome for Lucas. And it was true; the gnomes were kind. But Lucas still wanted to be with his mom since she was the only parent he had alive.

"Can't I come with you to see Aunt Tori?"



Pandora knew that he'd ask such a question. That's what children were good at; asking everything and anything around them. Lucky for her, she already got an answer ready.

She smiled at Lucas. "I want you to be safe. I don't want you to go to the outside world; it's too dangerous. And it's because---"

"Mother knows best."

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