Chapter 38: Anastasius de Alger Obelia

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To everyone's surprise, the Emperor, Claude de Alger Obelia, was a morning person. From a young age, he already developed a habit of waking up early in the morning, regardless of his unruly sleeping schedule. He's been accustomed to waking up early to the point he can't help it. He tried to wake up late, but it only ruined his body clock.

So, at the early time of 8 AM, the Emperor was already awake. Despite going to bed at 2 AM or so, he still got up. And, for some reason, Athanasia's bed was comfier than his. He slept peacefully last night; no bad dreams whatsoever. Except for Athanasia, who was a messy sleeper.

He had her protectively wrapped in his arms all night. It didn't really bother him one bit. That is, until Athanasia was moving every minute or so. There were times when she'd roll out of Claude's arms and go to the edge of the bed. She almost fell from the bed too. To her luck, Claude pulled her to him just right in time.

In the end, Athanasia was still under Claude's arms. She never experienced sharing a bed with someone in the real world; not even her parents when she was young. She always slept alone; in the cold, hugging herself for warmth. And well.. Claude was unexpectedly warm. So she never left his side.

That's why here he was, wide awake at 8 AM with his daughter sleeping soundly beside him. Seeing her up close made him realize how Athanasia was still a child. She has done countless things for someone her age, but in the end, she is still a child. A child who is vulnerable to the terrors of the world. A child, or rather--- his child, that can be easily taken away.

He sat up quietly, leaning his head back on the bed frame. Claude watched Athanasia sleep calmly. He remembered how happy she was last night, at her debutante. And how Athanasia, despite being the celebrant, gave Claude a gift. She gave him a bracelet that matched hers.

She looked so happy. He'd do anything to protect her. Anything.

Claude's hand went to Athanasia's hair, brushing it off of her face. There were quiet snores that escaped her lips. She was tired; of course it was expected that she'd sleep until noon. She was practically sleeping on their way here.

That aside, Claude thought of giving her gift to Athanasia now. His memories of Diana.

He hovered his hand over her forehead; a mist of blue escaping his palms. Athanasia's blank expression from earlier now became a happy one. She wore a smile on her face while she was sleeping. It made Claude's heart warm.

But it'll be a busy day for Claude. There were still quite a few matters at hand that needed to be done. He even bet that because of last night's debutante, there would be a shit ton of proposals written just for her alone. Which was no big deal, really. Because before he even opens one letter from any of her admirers, he already burns it down.

He got up from Athanasia's bed. Before leaving, however, he leaned forward to Athanasia's forehead, kissing it softly. He wasn't really the affectionate type of father. Unless Athanasia initiated a hug, he wouldn't do it. But this was different. It was still her birthday, in one way or another.

"Happy Birthday, Athanasia." he whispered, getting up from his position. "I love you." He admitted, with nothing but full sincerity in his voice. He's said it only once (twice?) to her. It just felt like he wasn't saying it enough.


The day went by quickly. Follow-up meetings for reforms and the like. New proposals that needed to be approved. Everything was almost done. And it was only 2 PM in the afternoon; relatively earlier than usual for Claude. Regardless, it was still on time for him and Athanasia's tea time.

However, a certain Nicolai Griffiths was stopping him from leaving his office.

Don't get Claude wrong. Next to Felix, Nicolai was his trusted knight. Despite being relatively younger than both Felix and him, Nicolai has proven himself worthy of his position. At a young age, he was raised to be a knight. He trained night and day. That's why Claude got fascinated by him.

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