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The moment that Lucas and Pandora heard the narrowest sound, they stopped their argument. Pandora's sharp ears instantly sensed it-- the arrow from afar. Her eyes followed to the upper right of the tower; its highest part. And there, she saw Rosalia Judith, also known as Vivenne, smirking. She had a bow at hand, and no more arrows left whatsoever. She only used one shot, and it pierced through almost perfectly.

Next thing they knew, Rosalia Judith was tackled down by her niece. A familiar brown haired girl, otherwise known as Jennette Margarita, was spiting off curse spells. She was a bit too late to stop Vivienne. And she regrets it. The moment she entered the rooftop, Jennette instantly saw her aunt positioning herself on top of the wall. Rosalia only used a spell that only Jennette could crack, so she was the only one that could naturally cease her from doing so.

"How could you do that?!" Jennette cried out, casting off a bubble to contain Rosalia Judith. She wasn't speaking, only a smirk on her face. "How could you kill Athanasia? Y-you promised--"

"Rosalia Judith."

Pandora snapped her fingers, instantly teleporting both aunt and niece in front of her. She glared at Rosalia with her deadly eyes. This wasn't what they agreed upon. No, it was far from it. Never has Pandora planned on killing Athanasia, because she was expecting her the kid to either join forces with her, fight her, or go back to her real world.

Killing Athanasia was, and never will be on the plan. Even Pandora herself saw Athanasia as someone she could work with. The kid had way too many potential, even in the evil side, for her to be killed.

That was why Pandora was furious. Her violet eyes lit a blue flame that surrounded only Rosalia Judith. "You fucking idiot. Of all the things I ordered you to do, you did the thing I hate the most."

Lucas was now on his knees, kneeling down beside Athanasia. The arrow shot through her chest, and if he took it out, the blood loss would only worsen. The arrow also radiated a pinch--- no not a pinch, plenty of dark magic too. A type of spell that even he can't reverse. He, however, continued on to chant all the healing spells he could think of.

"Did Anastasius order you to do it?" she asked, grabbing Rosalia's chin. "you should know that I need that kid alive, or else I can't rule the Empire."

Pandora slapped Rosalia with all her might. "I should send you to the infinite domain loop. You'll love it there, the endless abyss and-"

"Mother," Lucas cried out. Tears started forming in his eyes, and his breath was shaky. He held Athanasia tightly. None of his spells were working on her. "mother please. Please save her."

The witch snapped out of her thoughts. She gestured Jennette to take care of Rosalia and contain her in the bubble. Then, she turned to Lucas. Her son was crying-- crying. This was the first time that Pandora saw Lucas cry after a hundred of years. The first was when he found out that his father died.

"I can't-- I can't get rid of the arrow." he informed her. "but I don't care how you do it. Just please, let her live."

Jennette watched from afar. Pandora sat down beside Lucas, and she soothed his hair. "Lucas, there is nothing that I can't fix." she then observed the arrow. Her eyes instantly spotted the type of curse casted into it. It was... odd. She hasn't seen this in a hundred of years.

Not since Victoria used it on her. And well, it took a toll on her. Yes, even the strongest witch back then got seriously injured because of that damn Empress. The barrier surrounding the five of them was still intact. Neither Claude, Anastasius, or Felix can see the current situation inside the said domain.

That meant Pandora could do whatever the hell she wanted without those damn men interrupting her.

"And tell me, how did you get this flower?" she asked, obviously pissed. Rosalia was still shaking from the electrocution, but she tried to hide her pain.

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