10K Special (Plot Sneak Peak)

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"Ah, here you are."

He turned his head to see a figure approaching him. They had a hood covering their face, a cloak wrapped around their body as they advanced towards him.

"What are you doing here, Tenko?" 

The hooded figure pulled off his hood, revealing cyan hair and dead, crimson eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, adding onto the already emphasized wrinkles on his face as he scratched his neck.

"You know what I'm doing here."

An airy chuckle left his mouth as he turned his head back to the starry sky, holding up a hand, peering at the moonlight shining through his fingers.

"Do I, now..." The words left his mouth quietly, his hand dropping back, falling limply onto his chest as he let out a loud sigh.

Tenko only stared, the wind softly blowing his hair before sitting beside the man and joining him in his stargazing activities. They only sat in silence before the crimson eyed boy decided to break it.

"We need your help." Tenko said, looking into his eyes.

The man huffed. "Tenko, I left the league so long ago already. You need to stop going to me for ideas, aren't you all strong enough alrea-"

"It's about your son."

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